Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006...Hello 2007

The Bad, The Good, and the Very, Very Ugly and THE MOST AWESOMEST!!!

The Bad

golf game didn't improve
didn't learn to do a back bend (I think I tried to start...)
didn't complete my degree (in my defense 1 class was cancelled by the college)

The Good

Did complete 1 more class (only 3 to go!)
Finished porch remodel!!
Enlarged shade garden in back by fence!
Maxed $4,000 in IRA!!!
Donated set amount of $$ to charity!!
Went to a Halloween party (ok I volunteered for the Humane Society but I did dress up!--so it counts)
Get to work on time (well now I HAVE to but still)

The Very, Very Ugly

didn't go to YMCA once (that's terrible!!)
b went away
c dumped me as a friend (never got dumped by a g/f b4) *her loss but I hope I hear about Karma-bitch slapping her for it* hee.
didn't have not one single date (ok that's not too bad)
got fired as VOLUNTEER (long stupid story)

Saw MADONNA in concert in Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Looks 1,000x's better. Just some in hair line and scalp. So happy!!

Chest not coming along as well. Kinda yucky.

So I haven't posted about my "adult acne" lately. I had my 30 day follow up a few weeks ago with the doctor. Not sure if I wrote about it. If I did, this will be a repeat.

I was supposed to use the steroid cream every day for 3 weeks, the every other day the last week. Well I couldn't find my appointment card and hadn't written it in any of my calendars so I was still using it everyday when I got the reminder call. I wasn't doing very well with taking the pills though.

Most of the scabs were cleared up except around my temples and scalp. The doctor said that the cream thins the skin so its important on my forehead to use it only every other day. But my scalp it's ok for everyday. Which is good because it's so stressful at work that I pick at them all the time.

Now my temples are getting a little better. He says I'll have to keep taking the pills.

I took these pictures today.

Last week my psychiatrist put me on Xanax. It worked ok the first two or three days, now I can't sleep. I have to work tomorrow (had today off and called in yesterday) so I took an Ativan even though he told me to stop. I had to, I haven't slept in 4 days.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Best Christmas Show! EVER!!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm getting quite good at cooking tofu. Today I had leftovers from dinner last night. I had bought fried tofu which I cut up in to small cubes. Chopped the rest of the cabbage, some broccoli and pea pods. The rest of the bottle of sauce and a bit of water. I put a plate on top of the pan wanting to wilt the cabbage but the steam made too much water, so then I took the plate off, turned the flame down and cooked it too long and it got kinda burned. I had also added pepper. Not a good idea. But it was still yummy. The already fried tofu has a good consistency but didn't absorb as much flavor. I'll probably buy it again and try marinating it before hand. I need to buy the press and seal saran wrap to use with kitty face because the stuff from the one side (usually grapes) jumps to the other and gets that taste on them. I don't like my stuff to taste like the wrong thing. Yucky. Kitty face actually holds a good bit of food. And I get a bunch of compliments on it.

Work sucks by the way. We are sooooo crazy busy. I had another crying jag today. My manager yelled at me then when he asked why are you crying (why do boys ask that? like they don't know it's their fault)I'm like because you yelled at me. No I didn't. Well that didn't go over well and I just let loose and opened my mouth and crap just came out. I did notice that it got really, really quiet in my area. hee. Of course later they were teasing me. I would laugh at me too. But I would also be scared. That's what I can't figure out. The people that live after a worker shoots up the place always act like it's the biggest surprise in the world. But how can it be? Are people just clueless? Or just don't want to admit that there might be a real psycho in their midst? Then it's too late and then what? Hmmm..

Friday, December 15, 2006

Left over Chinese I made yesterday. It turned out really good. I bought a different kind of sauce at Meijer. On Wednesday, I fried up firm tofu in a little vegetable oil then the sauce and a bit of water, put it in plasticware in the refrig then yesterday cooked up cabbage, broccoli, celery and the tofu. I had bought some Japanese noodles too and had some of those in the top tier. They were ok I think I prefer rice instead.

Well it looks like we're going to be getting our stupid schedules week by week instead of 12 weeks at a time. Next week I work earlier on Sunday but later during the week. The new trade rules are that can only trade ONCE a month. WTF!? How crazy is that? Ugg. I hate this place. I need 3 more classes just to get my associate's degree for accounting, but with the way companies in Jackson are closing, I don't know if I would be able to find anything.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So I came home from Lansing yesterday after 6 and it was already very dark and rainy out. There was a yellow lab in front of Hattie's house in the middle of the road. I stopped by her and was yelling at her to get out of the road but she was ignorning me. People drive so fast I was afraid she would get hit. I hurried up and parked my car in the garage and went out front with my coat to get her. She went down to the corner then toward Russell St. Ugg. I remembered I had my Hello Kitty with rice in it. She was following that for a bit then I took the lid off and was getting her to my house. We got to my back door but she wouldn't come in. I called Ma to have Daddy come get her but they were poopy, she called the Humane Society but they were closed, I had her call Diane, the dog ran away again to the house on the corner. I got her back to Hattie's back step. I called her to see if her son would come help but he was laying down because he was sick. I said never mind. Hattie came out, she thought the dog was Cody and when I told her I didn't know who's it was she told me to go in the house and forget about her. But I started crying again, (I had a bad day at work) saying "what if it was Jade and no one helped her and she got hit by a car?" She went in but came out later with some meat slices as I was putting on a jacket and going after the dog again. I know she thinks I'm crazy.
Well the meat worked. That dog REALLY wanted it. I got her all the way to the back door. Ma came with a collar and lease, I gave the dog the meat and we hurried up and put the collar on her. We practically had to pull her into the house. She ate some food, then Ma took her home. I called Jodie and while we were on the phone, Ma called her to say they were bringing the dog over there since she has that pen in the basement. Jodie says to Jade, "Maybe the sister we've been waiting for is coming!"
So Wednesday morning the house alarm goes off at 6:15 am. and Jade comes upstairs. At first I thought she was fevering but she was just tired. Later Jodie called and I guess Doggy didn't like it in the basement, she was banging against the door and howling so Jodie put her outside. She was howling outside. Jodie said if she did it Wednesday night she would call me and make me come get her. Well I took Jade home and Ma met me there to check on Doggy and guess what?! She was gone!! She escaped.
I had placed an ad in the paper, called the pound and Ma had talked to the Humane Society. So now she has Cody's collar and rabies shot info and who knows where she is. I'm worried but Jade and I walked down the street and couldn't find her.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Can she be any more beautiful??? God I'm soooo jealous. Even just casual she's sooo pretty. I'm liking Brad more than before but she can have him.
Finally, appearing on red carpet together!!! Wow!!! Premiere of "The Good Sheperd" tonight. Golden Globe nom's out this week.
GMD has GOT to be fuming!!! Had his stupid 2nd wedding party Saturday night. Bunch of C&D list posers. Then Nicole Richie gets busted this early am for driving wrong way on the freeway after smoking dope and take Vics. All bloggers are talking about reports of her being 5'1" & 85lbs. Then the Golden Couple make an appearance. Wedding? what wedding??

Oh my god!!! How funny is this shit?? Haaa Haaa

Sunday, December 10, 2006

As much as I hate going to Meijer I have to go soon, I'm down to scraps of food.

Today I have the last of the cheese cubes, apple desert from a vegetarian frozen meal I ate yesterday (finally I put it in the fridge a few days ago) and rice with the flakes I bought on eBay.

I stopped for gas and bought a donut and blueberry muffin, a large coffee and jumbo cherry coke. By the time I got to work I was stuffed. I ate the cheese & crackers then the rice. I brought the apple thing home and I was going to put in the fridge but then I noticed a HUGE hair on it, so that went into the trash. I must not have put enough flakes on the rice or I should have mixed them in because they really had no taste. I used the little fishy mold and they kinda look cute. Maybe I should have given them eyes though. Oh well.

Tomorrow I'll probably just pull a frozen dinner out and take that.

It was sooo busy at work today. I barely got to finish my Legal News.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ramen noodles today with carrots and cheese cubes. I had a strawberry yogurt with granola left at work from yesterday. I ended up eating that on first break then the carrots and cheese on second break and bringing the noodles home. The Wilton cupcake cups are a little too tall for my bento so it doesn't shut good but I put the elastic on it fine.

It's only been 2 days of 7am starts and neither day did I get up when I should have. Luckily the roads have been dry and traffic light so I'm still able to get to work early. I'm very tired today. Tomorrow I'm off. I need to check the winter schedule and register for at least one class but hopefully two.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Yippee!! Ma went to the post office for me yesterday and picked up my package from China. Both Hello Kitties!! (I didn't notice that they were from the same seller)

Today's bento: Leftover Veggie Rice w/the small triangle mold with fresh ground pepper. Cut apple & cheese cubes. Harvest Crisp crackers I have at work. Also took a yogurt w/granola but didn't end up eating it. This made me full.

I had to stop to get gas this morning and the coolant light was on. Checked under the hood and it was completely empty!!! My fingers were freezing and felt frostbit as I was trying to open the jug and pour the stuff in. On the way home a rock hit the windshield and made a big dent. Good thing I still have got it replaced because of the crack. Windshield washer fluid is empty too. I'm not really overdue for an oilchange still have about 1,000 miles to go but I think if I don't forget I'll stop after work tomorrow. Better safe than sorry.

Friday, December 01, 2006

I used my other bento box. Also in the mail yesterday there was a card to sign and go pick up a package from China, so one of the Hello Kitties must be in!

This bento is just 2 Chik Stiks from Kroger and rice from Meijer's Asian section that I made with Vegetable stock instead of water. I didn't think it would stick together to make shapes but when I was eating it, I realized that it is different than regular rice and probably would have kepted it's shape. Next time I make it I'll do it that way or if there is any left overs (can't remember) I'll try. Also took a strawberry yogurt and granola. Drank a bit of a tiny bit of water and hot chocolate and some coffee. Still was hungry so had to go to the snack table and buy some chocolate. Next time I'll have to add a vegetable. Actually I had an english muffin on the way out the door too. Hmmm. Guess I'm getting better. I'm going to need to start exercising.

Next week I start work at 7am so I'll have to go to the YMCA. Have to at least go once this year.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Well, I felt soo much better today. I was still tired when I woke up. I tried to pick up the house a little. Got my bento from Sunday together, the trash and left the house at 6am. Traffic jam at M-14 around 7 took about 20 minutes to get through.

I felt ok even during work. I ate yogurt w/granola at break with some cheese cubes and grapes. Took my 2liter of Vernors. I was scared that I still felt icky but I guess I was ok.

Work was busy, I've been too sick to take my meds so I'm crying over everthing. Some transfered broad in WI control is worthless and pissing me off. Then at the end of the day Hilda tells me I 16hours over on my vacation time. How can that be? I should still have 1 or 2 days even after taking this 1 1/2 days I just took.

Adrionne will go over it with me on Thursday.

I left my camera at Ma's house on Thanksgiving so no picture of the bento. Boo! It was kinda cute taking my box and eating out of it. I need to pack something I can use my chopsticks with.

Still no Hello Kittys. Uggg.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I came home 1/2 day from work yesterday. I was throwing up and work. As soon as I got home, I put my bento into the refrig and ran to the bathroom. I was throwing up the rest of the night. I ended up calling Ma and crying because I was so sick. I planned on going to work this morning but I had a rough night. Sweaty, nightmares, then couldn't sleep, hot/cold. I called this morning for a vacation day, luckily I also called for a demand day. I think he said this is my last vacation day. There's still a month to go and I'm not sure how much FMLA time I have. Not much. Maybe 3 or 4 hours if I'm lucky.

I ate 4 crackers and am drinking some Hi-C. I took some of Jade's remedies. So far I haven't thrown up but I'm very nauseous still.

I feel and look like crap. I did manage to take a shower and put a load of towels and pj's in the wash. The maids are going to think this house was a mess the whole week I was off, but really it was good and I was caught up on dishes until Friday night when I first started feeling sick.

So I ended up throwing up after I talked to Ma probably around 2pm. I had already called the doctor around 11:30 because I was so nauseous. Ma went to pick up te prescription but of course Meijer didn't have it ready. They had to get it off the voice mail then fill it so she didn't bring it until 6:15pm. I'm surprised I die before then. I took that then watched tv and went to bed at 8:30.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I've been on vacation since last Friday. I go back to work tomorrow 8-4:30pm. So what happens today? I get sick. Lovely. I've been throwing up since aprox 7pm. It's 10:30 now. As soon as I think I'm done and I stumble out of the bathroom I have to turn around and go again. Yuck.
Why is the last thing you eat not the first to come back up? I think it's goofy that the first thing I had today (which was Cherry Coke) was the first thing to come up. How long does digestion take? Especially of liquid? Then the last thing I had was Alka Selzter was the last to come up? Very weird. And gross.
We went to Ground Round for Kevin's birthday. I didn't feel great afterwards but I sure didn't think I'd be this sick. I almost didn't go because there food sucks. But I went and had a Margarita and salad although I only ate some of it. Guess that will teach me.
I took a nap earlier but I guess I should try to get some sleep.
Back to work. Yuck.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Look what came in the mail yesterday!!!

Another bento. This one has a clear lid with a shallow spot to hold a pair of short chopsticks. (now I need to learn to use them) A nifty bag that I can put either bento in to carry. A piece of elastic. And three containers. The littlest one I don't know what would go in there. Maybe pills, but not much else.

Still waiting for the Hello Kitties. This auction ended on November 5th and I got it yesterday, so the Kitties should be any day now. This one was also from Japan.

I'm on vacation and so far have only gone to Meijer and that was on Sunday. I was going to take Jade to the park yesterday and today but ended up not. Sunday and yesterday I worked on my T-shirt quilt. Sunday night I realized I had measured wrong so I had to tear out and redo all the borders that I had put on to build up the blocks that were smaller than 16" x 16". So I just ended up cutting 2" borders and sewing those all on. Today I cut them all down to 16" x 16". Ma brought over her material and T-shirts and I said I would do hers. All of her shirts are the same size so it'll be easier.

Jodie's off the rest of the week so I won't have Jade.

I still want to do some scrapbooking, I still have runs from last year to do, ALL of this year. Christmas of last year and TONS of Jade.

I also need to paint the door to the porch and clean up the entry way and clean out the utensil drawer and find a spot for my bento stuff.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Friday happy day!! One of my eBay winnings came. Yippee. The blue dragonfly bento box. Too bad I'm on vacation and won't use it for another week.

I have a problem with knowing dimensions (that and I don't read the descriptions after seeing the pictures) so this was MUCH smaller than I thought it would be. I thought it would be about as big as a pencil box. It's not. It's a little bit bigger than a dollar bill. Then I went back just to see and actually read the eBay auction and of course it does say 6" by 3". Oh well. It's cute and I don't have to be a piggy. Plus my tupperware was too big so now everything will look crammed in and fuller.

I ordered the fishy mold and triangle molds because there is no way I'm playing with rice and they will turn out looking good. And I got the spices because I don't know what to buy at Meijer. The only problem is that they are in Japanese and I don't know what they say or know anyone that can translate. Jodie said she could take it to work and find someone if I need to.

Now I can't wait for my Hello Kitty's to come. I wonder how small they will be? Then I have another auction with a box, smaller containers, a bag and chopsticks. Yippee!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

No time for a bento picture today. I made white rice with vegetable broth instead of water. It was really good! I added the rest of the fried tofu I made. If I fry tofu again, I have to make sure to get plain tofu. That one had a funny tasting marinade.

I took the vegetable rolls to work that I bought at Trader Joe's. I had 1/2 of one. It tasted like fish to me. Edie had one and she kinda liked it. Char popped the whole thing in her mouth at once! She said it didn't taste fresh. I might try to make my own but I don't think I like them.

Had to take 15 minutes flex time this morning. I was late getting up. Then I had to be there at 9:30 and M14 was jammed up so I was late. UGGG. I'm working 11:30-3:30 tomorrow, then on vacation!!!!!!!!

I stopped to the library after work and picked up books and dropped of the others. Saturday Ma and I are going downtown, they are having that Discover Downtown like they did in the Spring. I don't know if Jodie has to work yet. I need to drop off my paperwork and check to the lawyer's office. I'll probably do that on Monday or Tuesday. Jade and I can drop off recycling, drop the papers off, then go to Cascades.

Well, off to bed. Prob no bento tomorrow since I'm only working 4 hours.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

No Bento Today
Work up too late to put one together, then I left the veggie sushi I bought at Trader Joe's on the countertop and the maids didn't put it in the refrig when they cleaned today. Oh well.
So the reason for the happy face?
I preferenced today (for 8 week schedule) and I got a GREAT!! schedule. 7-3:30 Mon,Tues,Thurs & Friday. Sunday 8:30-5 with Wed & Sat off. Yippee!!! Woot, Woot!!
This is almost as good a schedule as I good when we first got to Southfield and I ulled 6-2:30's. Of course, it's the same reaction, the chickie's with kids who don't want to start too early (7am's) but also don't want a weekend shift had to bump down to 10am starts so they're pissed off.
I guess there is some sorta of petition going around but I haven't seen it. Plus we got an email today that tomorrow there is a union meeting. Umm thanks for the advance notice!!!
But for now and the next 10 weeks I'm happy. I'll have to be on the road at 5am but at least construction on M-14 is starting to kinda wrap up. Slowly but it's a little better. Now if the snow holds off.

So I've been getting several wrong number calls lately. Don't know why all of a sudden. I've had my home number for 5 years or so and my cell number for 2 years last month. (my home phone is forwarded to my cellphone)

So today I get the 800 call while I was on break so I wait for a representative to come on the line. It took a while too. And he asks for some guys name. Sorry you have the wrong number. So he adds the last name. Sorry never heard from him, you have the wrong number. ok.

Later after 5pm, I'm working until 8pm this week, I get a call, thinking it's my mom I answer it. The woman is like what are you doing or where are you at? I'm working. Then I realize I don't recognize the voice. Who is this? Brenda. You have the wrong number. Is this XXXX (the last 4 digits) yes. But I don't know you. Is it XXX (the first 3 digits) yes, but I don't know you. Ok sorry. that's ok.

Then... I get another call around 7:30pm I glance at it and see that the number starts with a 4 so I think it's Brenda again. I always answer the phone, "What", when I know who it is, so that's the way I answer it.

Well this time it's some guy. Equinox is this is Kevin. Kevin who? We dated a few years ago. (Ok-this is evidently the guy who left the message a few weeks ago saying he saw me walking down Greenwood "looking hot"--wasn't walking, I was in my car at a stop light, wasn't "looking hot", I was sick from something from the day before, no makeup, hair in a sad ponytail, just went to the dentist and probably kissing the dog)

So I say, I'm sorry I didn't date any one by that name you have the wrong number. He says what about Kip? No. What about Men-something Mexican sounding? Look I've only dated a few guys and you weren't one of them, I'm sorry you have the wrong number and I hung up.

So at the Halloween party I told Peggi about the previous call and we decided that it must be "didn't walk me to the door boy".

She worked with him and fixed me up on a blind date with him. Now, I personally LOVE blind dates. Haven't REALLY had a horrible one, I think that's what I hoping for. He came close.

He had my name and number for probably 3 months but wouldn't call--until the newspaper did an article about single people and Christmas and I responded and the put a HUGE picture of me in the LIVING TODAY section. (turned out cute) Then this jerk must have decided that I was ok looking enough to go on one date with. So already I'm not liking him. Strike 1.

He picks me up. He's short. I have boots on which my me taller than him so I feel like an Amazon. Strike 2.

When he brings me home he parks his truck and already I can tell he's not going to walk me to the door. Now my car is in the driveway and he's behind it but with enough of a space for another car to fit. I have to walk to the back door. This is January in Michigan. Icy snow on the ground. STRIKE 3.

But wait, he's going for another throw. He turns to me before I open the door and get out, puts his arm on the back of the seat and says, " I don't suppose you kiss on the first date"!!!!! WTF!!!

No, I don't. What about on a 2nd date? No not usually even on a 3rd or 4th date. This part was all said while I was out of the vehicle and closing the door.

I don't know anyone else's policy...but mine is: If a guy ASKS, the answer is NO. ALWAYS no exceptions.

Now, because at this time, my friends were telling me my standards were too high and I'm too picky. (They were wrong BTW) I did meet him for lunch once and I think maybe one more dinner for a total of 3 dates. Never, ever walked me to the door. I never, ever kissed him.

Three dates with no kissing does not, in my opinion, equal "dating" or a call FIVE years later. Yes my readers (I hope there are readers) this all happened 5 years ago. 3 so-so dates 5 years ago. What does this guy do? Every few years go through his address book and call up girls he had a few dates with?

Next thing you know Psycho FBI Agent is going to call or have Aunt Linda call me. UGGG

Monday, November 13, 2006

These are starting to look a little bit better.

Today, I took a bagel w/goober grape to eat in the car on the way to work. Drank the orange juice then too. (need to take water!)

The yogurt and cereal I had after first break so around 2pm. (I should have put this in the refrigerator when I got to work) Later I went to have some cheese but it was quite warm, so then I put it away. Around 6:30 or so, I ate 1/2 of the burritoe which I had bought at Trader Joe's. It was ok, not great, but not yucky. Had some sauce packets in the car from Taco Bell to put on it. Ate some carrots and cheese. Brought the rest back for another day.

Tomorrow I'll have to get up early and make rice and noodles. There is still some of the fried tofu left from last week and I need to take in the California Rolls I bought. I think there's 6 of them so I'll share because I'm not sure I'll like them. Yikes!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

So I think you can tell that there IS progress on this mess. The ones in the middle are shrinking slowly but surely.

The biggest problem is that they itch and when I'm busy and frustrated at work and don't think about it, I just automatically scratch and then there's blood and yuck.

The picture also doesn't show it but on the right hand side, in the widow's corner (that's what I call it) there's a large scab and another one at my temple.

The ones on my shoulder seem to be gone, but the ones at my hairline by my neck are worse. And the ones on the scalp are fewer but deeper. These also itch like crazy plus I pick at them especially when stressed. Which is always.

Didn't take a decent picture of my chest but it's healed up and now there are just scars. I wonder if I can get dermabrasion for that?

I also can't remember to take the antibiotics or when my next appointment is???

So I finally went here after work on Friday. Had a heck of a time getting to it. I thought it was in the same parking lot as Meijer but it was across the street and Farmington on Friday night evidenty is very busy.

The store is very tiny. Only about 6 or 7 aisles. One with frozen foods. The only brand I recognized was Morningstar. I was hoping they had other meat substitutes but they didn't.

I got some vegetarian eggrolls. A can of vegetarian chili, corn chowder. Tortilla chips. I'm going to try some California rolls but I don't think I like seaweed. I hope I do. They'd be really good in my bento.

I bought some other premade cold stuff a burrito and peroggies. Only spent like $30. Their fruit didn't look that good. I still need to get some. I should probably make a trip to Whole Foods.

Easy-Bake Oven, Lionel Trains Inducted Into National Toy Hall of Fame
Friday , November 10, 2006

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The National Toy Hall of Fame is paying homage to the electric age.

The Easy-Bake Oven and Lionel model trains joined Mr. Potato Head, the Frisbee and 32 other classic but watt-free toys Thursday in the Strong-National Museum of Play's eight-year-old hall of fame.

Longevity is a key criterion for getting into the all-star lineup. Each toy must not only be widely recognized and foster learning, creativity or discovery through play, but endure in popularity over multiple generations.

"This is the year of the plug-in toy — and a sign of things to come," said Christopher Bensch, the museum's chief curator, noting that the 12 nominees in 2006 included the iconic Atari video game system.

"Will it be time someday for the GameBoy or the PlayStation or the Xbox? I think so. Those are the toys people are going to have nostalgia for and maybe pass on in their latest forms to their kids and grandkids."

The latest, still pre-computer child favorites to be honored have been around for awhile: The first Easy-Bake Oven showed up in stores in 1964, and Lionel trains have been chugging along for more than a century.

Engineer Joshua Lionel Cowen built his first electric toy train as a store-window attraction around 1900. When a customer bought the train instead of other toys it advertised, he launched the Lionel Manufacturing Co. Its sales peaked at $32.9 million in 1953.

Pretzel vendors in New York City gave toymakers at Kenner the idea of a child-suitable gizmo that actually heated food in a small working oven. Kenner, now a division of Hasbro Inc., has since sold 23 million Easy-Bake Ovens and more than 140 million mixes.

"It's safe, it works and the best part is that the play makes its own reward," said museum curator Patricia Hogan. "Fifteen minutes in the oven and a slurpy, gooey, doughy concoction becomes a delicious — OK, edible — confection."

The museum, which boasts the world's largest collection of toys and dolls, acquired the hall in 2002 from A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Village in Salem, Ore. So far, 36 classic toys have been enshrined, from Barbie to Jack-in-the-Box, Legos to Lincoln Logs, Slinky to Play-Doh and Crayola crayons to marbles.

The corrugated cardboard box — a universal plaything or recreational backdrop since the 1890s — was inducted into the hall last November.
I love the Easy Bake Oven! I think I had one when I was very young, I vaguely remember making a chocolate cake once. I always wanted one when I was older but never got one. So now when I buy stuff for Toys for Tots or the Giving Tree at church I almost ALWAYS buy one. It seems so fun. And it's simple, not electronic or fancy or noisy.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Oh my gosh, this is the funniest movie I've seen since the 40year-old Virgin. Only better because he's a foreigner and can get away with saying outrageous stuff and people chalk it up to cultural difference. Then he mispronounces words by adding an "s" to the end and putting the emphasizes on the wrong part of the word or phrase.
There is one scene that was totally funny just because of how it looked not what was being said. Then when Borat and his director talked in "Kazakhstan" (which is gibberish and some Polish) they put subtitles up which were funny.
In my celebrity fantasy league as one of my choices I picked Brad Pitt, because Babel comes out this weekend, but then I heard that they expanded the amount of screens Borat is on, so Borat will probably be #1 this weekend. My other picks hopefully will do better.

Friday, November 10, 2006

So I woke up late today and didn't pack a lunch or anything. And I was starving. I'm going to have to make more of an effort because I did notice a slight difference. Maybe if I get more on schedule it'll even out the insomnia (I hope) and I'll have more energy and actually make it to the Y-Center at least ONCE this year.

Yep, that's right, I have NOT been there AT ALL, not even ONE time, even though I pay every month. I'm bad. But I know if I cancel then I'll want to go.

Next week I work 11:30-8 Mon-Thurs and Friday 11:30-3:30, then VACATION!!!! Not going any where but it'll be nice just to be off work.

Jade is still sick, Jodie didn't go to work again today. She hasn't ate since Tuesday but is now drinking. Poor baby.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I packed a bagel with goober grape. (which I ate in the car during the construction jam on M-14, Yes they are STILL working on it)

A banana (that I just bought on Sunday and was still green but is suddenly very, very brown) that I ate on 1st break. A container of fruit on the bottom strawberry yogurt with cereal awhile after break. Some skinny carrots, rice and tofu that I fried yesterday. This rubbermaid container is too big. By the time I ate the rice it was all jumbled up with the carrots. The tofu I bought was already flavored (it was all right-not the best) so the carrots had that flavor on them. I hate my fruits and vegetables convorting. They have to have their own taste not the taste of something else on them. That why I hate fruit cocktail. Yucky.

So it's only been two days this week and one day last week that I've brought food, but I think it's working out. I'm not starving when I get home at 6:30pm after leaving at 6:30am.

I haven't been buying junk from the goodie table. I need to take water with me though. Also I would like to go to the Y-Center after work but I'm still so tired when I get out. This week I have (well yesterday) Saturday off. Next week I work Mon-Fri 11:30-8pm because the following week is Thanksgiving and I taking my last vacation week!!! woot woot!!!

Jade was sick Tuesday night overnight she had a fever of 104 and I guess Jodie couldn't bring it down. So she took the day off, so Jade didn't come over. Boo. Hopefully she'll work on Saturday and Jade can come over. I'll at least go get her and we'll go to Cascades.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So my new thing is BENTO.
Here are the first two bento boxes I'm getting from eBay. It'll be a little while before the get here because they are coming from Japan. In the meantime, I'm using a Rubbermaid container.

I packed this one yesterday:

It's a Worthington not turkey sandwich with swiss cheese. Not bad, I might buy it again. Some carrots and a Granny Smith apple. I meant to slice the apple and cut it into shapes but I got up late for work. It ended up being not enough food. I was still hungry. Thursday I'll take some yogurt also.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Hollywood wildman MICKEY ROURKE has blasted Tom Cruise for publicly criticising psychiatry, calling the superstar actor a "c**t".

Sin City star Rourke regularly sees a therapist, who he credits with saving both his life and career, to discuss his irrational dislike of certain actors, which has caused him to turn down a number of roles.

And Rourke was outraged by Cruise's infamous appearance on US TV show TODAY last year (05), during which he criticised BROOKE SHIELDS' use of anti-depressant medication when she was diagnosed with post-partum depression following the birth of her first child.

Cruise is a staunch follower of the Church of Scientology, which publicly opposes the study and practise of psychiatry.

Rourke says, "(My therapist) saved my f**king life and my career. I don't care what Tom Cruise says about therapy. F**k him. C**t.

Pick on poor Brooke Shields. "People need medicine and they need therapists.

Let the Scientologists go f**king live on a planet of their own."

05/11/2006 14:40

Oh my gosh, this is the funniest thing I've read. Haaaa.

I'm glad someone in Hollywood has the courage to speak out against this couching jumping, ranting idiot. Too bad it has to be a psycho but beggar's can't be cheaters!

Remember when he was hot? Before he f****d up his face with boxing and bad plastic surgery and gosh knows what else.

This is the best he looked. In 9 1/2 weeks he was sooo hot.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Another one out of the closet.
"The public eye has always been kind to me, and until recently I have been able to live a pretty normal life. Now it seems there is speculation and interest in my private life and relationships. "
So, rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love."
Damn! Lost another one. All the good looking guys are married or gay. I really like him on "How I Met Your Mother". Evidently stupid Perez has been outing him. On Wednesday, Michael had a post that his spokeswhore said that, "he's not of that persuasion". Now on Friday he gave the above exclusive to People. Hmmm wonder what happened in 2 days to change his tune????
I don't read Perez (the commentors bug me) so I don't know how he accomplished this. If it was like he did to Lance Bass then I don't have a problem with it. In that instance, Lance & Reichen were photographed EVERYWHERE together. So that's no different than a straight couple. But I don't know the circumstances in this outing, so I can't say.
Perez has issued a challenge by saying,
"We are throwing down the gauntlet and issue a challenge to all the closeted celebrities out there:
Come out. Come out NOW! Come out in droves!!
We are talking to you Anderson Cooper, Jodie Foster, Kevin Spacey, Clay Aiken, Queen Latifah, Ricky Martin, Matt Dallas, Wentworth Miller, Richard Simmons, Sean Hayes and the rest of you!"
Now, REALLY, does Richard Simmons need to make a formal statement?? Does Clay Aiken?
Strangely he doesn't have John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz or Kristie Alley on his list. $ci's must have got to him.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

From PageSix

November 1, 2006 -- RYAN Phillippe's cruel intentions to cheat on wife Reese Witherspoon brought an end to their glam Hollywood marriage, Us magazine reports.

The "Flags of Our Fathers" star couldn't resist his seven-year itch when he brazenly played around in public with 24-year-old Aussie actress Abbie Cornish.

"Ryan admitted it was true and said, 'We need to just end this.' Reese literally had no choice," an anonymous source told Us.

Reps for Phillippe, 32, and Oscar winner Witherspoon, 30, announced Monday they're splitting up after seven years of matrimony. Their reps could not be reached for comment last night.

Phillippe and Cornish allegedly grew close in Austin, Texas, on and off the set of their indie flick, "Stop Loss." Other sources have pointed to a different castmate.

"We're a little bit devastated and heartbroken," mom Susan Phillippe said.

The National Enquirer says the final straw came two weeks ago, hours after the New York premiere of "Flags," when Witherspoon found incriminating e-mails on her hubby's BlackBerry.

A bunch of internet posters are saying they didn't see this coming and they were a "perfect family". Meh.

I KNEW something was fishy when Reese won the Oscar for Walk The Line. Her speech was good but she gushed over Joaquin for 5 minutes and mentioned Ryan but almost as if she HAD to. After that I kept my eye on her.

She was at an outdoor party with Selma Blair and Selma had her hand on Reese's handso I couldn't tell if she was wearing her ring. I don't think so but not sure. I kept looking after that.

Lainey is saying they may have had an "agreement" that he could go elsewhere as long as she didn't have to hear about it and that her & Joaquin may have hooked up during filming. I hope not. Evidently Ryan wanted out so that's why he got with an actress and let it all out and forced Reese's hand. AND there is NO pre-nup!!! hee hee

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I didn't get ANY trick or treaters yesterday. Boo! And I bought 3 bags of Kit Kats. Well actually 4 but I ate one.

I worked until 5 and traffic was horrible so I didn't get home until 7 so maybe the kids came out early since Daylight Savings was just this past Sunday and it gets dark by 6. Don't know. Both neighbors had their lights on (I found out mine doesn't work) but I didn't see anyone walking when I came home and no one came to the door and I didn't hear anyone. Oh well maybe next year I'll get a ton.

I wore my pirate outfit (from a few years ago) to work but the only other person that dressed up was Char. She was a schoolgirl. Bunch of party-poopers.

Well it's been 3 more days and this is the result. My pictures are horrible, plus I take them after getting out of the shower so I think that's why there is more splotchiness. My forehead (again) looks worse in this picture than I think it does for real. I for one CAN see a difference.

No one has mentioned anything so either:
1) no one cares
2) no one looks
3) I've had it for so many years that it's taken for granted that it's there.

These are the only reasons I can think of.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

So I've been using the steroid cream since Friday, which has only been 2 days. I think there's been an improvement already on my forehead. My chest looks bad in this picture but it's not really too bad and there has been some improvement there too.
Even though it's not a true "Before" picture of the condition, it'll have to do.

So this is 2 days of using the cream and 1 day of the antiboitics. I'm going to try to take pictures at least every 3 days to track it.

I looked at the bill and it was $182. My co-pay is $15 (I think, maybe $10), hopefully it's all covered but if not, it's still worth it. I filled the 2 prescriptions at Meijer (still mad at Walgreen's) and it was only $8.72 without any problem. I wonder why when I did go to Walgreen's I'd have to pay the whole thing then mail in for reimbursement? even though they are listed as a pharmacy? Guess now that Meijer has a drive-thru and the pharmacy is at the front of the store with a door near by I'll just go there instead. (Plus I'm not probably going to get over being mad at Walgreen's).

Saturday, October 28, 2006

So I didn't have time to write about this yesterday so I'll fill in now. Last week I told my area that we would bring in treats yesterday (Friday) for Joaquin's birthday (which is really today-but I thought most of us would be off). It was really just an excuse to have food (well I do call him my husband AND the bitches DID conveniently forget MY birthday while making a HUGE to-do over every one since) So then on Tuesday, Flo* sends a note saying that she was collecting for Jeri's* Birthday.

Ok, bitch you've heard me saying already that we're having food now why do you need to horn in on it? Monday I stayed late to make up for going home early on Friday (that'll be another post), and Diane* said to Flo* are you still divorcing your husband? See!!! I KNEW she was having drama at home.

So THEN she wants to take a collection for Jeri* as a housewarming/Birthday gift!! Doesn't say how much, I asked if she had a card (no), and said you knew I already was planning something...Oh I thought you were joking. Bitch, I hate you, why would I JOKE with you?!

So then I was off Wed & Thurs, came back on Friday. Was talking to Jeri* and Indiana* was butting in and people were gathering around. I quickly figured out that they were going to give Jeri* the Birthday card and gift card. Ummm Bitch Flo* didn't get money from me and didn't ask me to sign the card. Of course I wouldn't have signed without putting money in but she KNEW I wanted to put in. I felt soo stupid sitting at my desk while they gave it to her. What a douche.

So then Este* comes to the wall and says really loud, how's Joaquin's Birthday?! Bitch I'm going to kick that crutch out from underneath your ass, knock you to the ground, then STOMP on you until I can't recognize your FUG face. STFU.

So today, I gave Jeri* and Lou* a Halloween treat today and I said to Jeri*, I'm not giving one to my new nemesis and I looked at Flo's* desk. Jeri* started laughing and said, "like Newman?" (I LOVE Seinfeld, I forget she watches it!) I said, "well you noticed who wasn't allowed to sign your card". She said she didn't notice but she would have thought I was off. I said no, she PURPOSELY wouldn't let me.


Happy 32nd Birthday

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Went to the dermatologist today, lovely I have adult acne. Great. I guess it's better that it looks like scratches and scabs than nasty zits and lumps but still.

So the doctor, who is very nice, gave me a prescription for antibiotics and a steriod cream to put on once a day. Then I have a follow-up next month. He said it'll take about that long to see any changes. Well what's another month when I've had this for prob 3 years at least.

He didn't say anything about what I'm using to wash with or if I should change. I guess I'll use up the Avon stuff I have then I'll ask him.

I still need to get the prescription filled. I get my hair done today and I need to get my costume ready for Friday. Diane called me and asked me to volunteer at the Humane Society Masquerade Party. I wasn't planning on dressing up for work so I guess I'll be a pirate again. I hate to repeat but Pirates are supposed to be hot this year and everything else I saw online was slutty as hell. I probably should get a different hat.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Blogger was down yesterday:

So I called Country Stitches yesterday to sign up for the T-shirt Quilt class. The clerk said we had first taken it in March. I didn't realize it had been that long ago.

I was able to sew on the borders of 8 squares to build them up to the 16 x 16 size. I have another 4 squares to do, then all the ones I already have ironed and cut are done. 16 total.

This time it was a different instructor. She was easier to understand. Or else it was easier because it was the second time we've taken the class. Ma had some cool black and white checkered material to use but then she thought she would have to line up the boxes so she's going to use that as the outer border. She had bought some green fabric but didn't wash it or bring it with her. So she just trimmed the shirts she brought and ironed them.

There is a finishing class on November 16 from 6-9pm. At least two of the ladies from this class are planning on coming and we will probably go too. I'm going to finish up these and lay them out then decide if I need to cut more. I might do 20 or 25.

I think it's going to look sharp when it's done. Ma's will too.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple

There's a book over the years I've read prob 4 or 5 times. Cults are the weirdest things. I still want to start one. I just need a charasmatic guy to be the leader and I'll be the brains behind the scenes collecting the money! I'm evil enough.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


We went golfing today. It was pretty nice out. Not too cold, no rain. I wore a short sleeved shirt with my sleeveless blue vest.

I haven't golfed since before the banquet which was the end of August. Had a high score but some good shots. Most of the tee offs were good. A great sand shot on the par 3. Two chips hit the pin. Not bad overall.

Only Ma, me and Jodie were there. Mark said we can use our punches next year. Good thing because I still have 9 left! Ma has 1 and Jodie has 5.

I signed my new will today so it's now in effect. He didn't write in the Joan Crawford clause in the right words but since I want it in force ASAP I just left it. It'll need to be amended again in less than 10 years. Jodie signed her papers for the living will. I still don't like that it reads that I don't want to be kept alive when I do, but since having anyone other than my parents in charge is more important, that's all I could do. I've stressed to her that even if it's 20 years or longer I don't want to be disconnected.

I need to get my stuff together along with a copy of the will and give it to her to keep. I also still need to call the cemetary for a plot.

Is it weird that I'm so prepared? Even at my age? I know girls who are single mothers who haven't even thought of who would get their kids if they die. Hell they are living paycheck to paycheck they can't think past that.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sick Again

I didn't feel good yesterday at work so when I got home I went to bed around 8, kinda thinking I would just lay down for an hour and get back up. I ended up sleeping til morning. Then when it was time to get up I felt like crap and was exhausted. I called in that I would be late and went back to sleep. At 9 my head felt like it was going to explode, I called back and took a vacation day instead. I hate using those for sick days but since I only have like 7.25 hours sick time for the rest of the year what else could I do?

I took some Excederin not really thinking it would help but I didn't know where the Maxalt was and my head hurt too much to look for it. Went back to bed with a wet washcloth for an hour.

I felt a little better later. I got out some Halloween decorations, did some laundry and move some of my weight and exercise stuff in the basement over to the area where the bedroom was. I still need to clean up down there but it's so overwhelming right now. I need to just go down there and stay for at least an hour or two. Yeah I can see me doing that.

The was a little frost on the windsheild yesterday so I need to clean out the garage so I can put my car in. Maybe on Wednesday.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Tigers 6, Athletics 3
10/14/2006, 9:09 p.m. ET
By BEN WALKER The Associated Press

DETROIT (AP) — Magglio Ordonez lofted a high fly ball to left field and when it landed, a most amazing thing: the Detroit Tigers in the World Series!

Written off by the entire baseball world only three years ago, the Tigers made it official Saturday. They're back, and on the prowl.

Ordonez hit his second homer of the game, connecting for a three-run shot with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning that lifted Jim Leyland's Tigers over the Oakland Athletics 6-3 for a startling four-game sweep of the AL championship series.

"I think early on in spring training we had a lot of good players. We didn't have a good team," Leyland said. "And today I can make the statement that we've got a good team, and that's the thing that I'm proudest of."

With the crowd of 42,967 at Comerica Park in delirium, joined by fans watching from distant downtown buildings and all over Michigan, the Tigers rejoiced after their seventh straight postseason win.

The wild-card Tigers now get a week to rest and wait for Game 1 at home next Saturday against either the New York Mets or St. Louis Cardinals. It will be their first Series appearance since winning it all on this exact same date 22 years ago, Oct. 14, 1984.

The losingest team in the majors over the past 13 seasons, Detroit was in despair after dropping an embarrassing 119 games in 2003. But in their first year under Leyland, the Tigers projected a winning attitude from the start.

And never has the olde English "D" on the jerseys puffed more proudly than it did after Ordonez homered.

Members of the Tigers' bullpen rushed in from left field and nearly beat Ordonez to the plate as fans twirled white towels. The guys from Motown were losers no mo'.

Down 3-0 early, the Tigers clawed back to tie it against Dan Haren when Ordonez hit a solo home run in the sixth.

After Craig Monroe and ALCS MVP Placido Polanco singled with two outs in the ninth off Huston Street, and with the entire ballpark on its feet, Ordonez launched a no-doubt drive over the wall.
Ordonez stood to watch the ball sail while Monroe and Polanco began jumping. It was the eighth homer in history to end a postseason series, and it had to be sweet salvation for Ordonez — there were certainly plenty of critics when the Tigers signed the injured All-Star to a multimillion dollar, free-agent deal before the 2005 season.

As the Tigers celebrated at the plate, Leyland walked across the field to Oakland's first-base dugout to congratulate the A's. He had special words for A's slugger Frank Thomas, who went 0-for-13 in the series.

"It was a numbing feeling," Thomas said. "It's my little brother who did it — Magglio. We spent seven years together and I'm happy for him. He's always wanted a ring and he's going to get a chance."

Leyland then slapped high-fives with fans along the box-seat railings before taking part in the festivities in the middle of the field.

Not even a baseball lifer like Leyland — who started out in the Tigers' system as a minor league catcher — could have foreseen this. Heavy underdogs, they lost Game 1 in the first round to the New York Yankees, but have roared back to win seven in a row.

And those last six victories have all been by at least three runs — making Detroit the first team to put together such a streak in the postseason.

Leyland won the 1997 World Series with Florida, but had taken six years off before deciding to accept the Tigers' job. A lot of people figured he was crazy, taking over a team that had endured 12 straight losing seasons.

"I kept getting closer to it and closer to it," he said.

Wilfredo Ledezma, who bailed out the Tigers by retiring Marco Scutaro on a foul pop with the bases loaded to end the eighth with the score 3-all, got the win.

Detroit posted the first ALCS sweep since Oakland chased Boston in 1990. The A's started off strong in this postseason, sweeping Minnesota in the first round, but manager Ken Macha's AL West champions could not get key hits against the Tigers.

"I told the players they can't let this series diminish what they did this year," Macha said. "I thought it was a tremendous year.

"The guys played their tails off and that's all you can ask," he said.

Gimpy Milton Bradley symbolized that best, racing into the right-center field gap to grab Curtis Granderson's drive in the ninth.

Polanco, whose separated left shoulder in mid-August had him worried that his season was over, delivered three more hits and went 9-for-17 in the series.

"I know we had a shot to make it to the playoffs, and I didn't know if I was going to play again," he said. "Like I said before, you don't have this opportunity every year, and I wanted to be part of the team."

Both teams blew chances to break open the game in the late innings.

Detroit had an opportunity in the seventh, loading the bases with one out against relievers Joe Kennedy and Kiko Calero. Desperate to save the season, the A's brought in Street.

The closer has struggled and been hurt, a year after winning the Rookie of the Year award. He did the job this time, getting Carlos Guillen to ground into an inning-ending double play that left it tied at 3.

Jay Payton's solo homer gave Oakland a 3-0 lead in the fourth.

A night earlier, Thomas said the A's needed one big inning to get back into the series. Or at least, as Athletics owner Lew Wolff quipped before the game, "We've got to figure out how to beat them without getting a run."

While they scored, the A's didn't get quite enough.

A's starter Dan Haren, who finished off the first-round sweep of Minnesota, began by pitching four scoreless innings and striking out six with a nasty split-fingered fastball.

The Tigers, it turned out, were just getting warmed up on an afternoon when the game-time temperature was 50 degrees.

Held to a paltry two singles in a 3-0 loss Friday, the A's came out swinging in Game 4. It worked, as Bradley and Eric Chavez hit RBI doubles in the first inning.

The early edge came with a price, however, when Bradley appeared to tweak his quadriceps while running the bases. Checked by a trainer, he stayed in the game — the injury later came back to hurt the Athletics.

Robbed on a nice play by Tigers third baseman Brandon Inge to end the first inning, Payton slammed his helmet to the ground.

The next time up, Payton made certain he wouldn't get cheated again with a home run off Jeremy Bonderman.

The Tigers rallied in the fifth, scoring twice after a leadoff single by Inge. Granderson followed with a liner in the gap and when Bradley was slow getting over from right field, hustled for an RBI double. Monroe tied it with an RBI double that hooked just beyond Payton's dive in left.
Ordonez opened the sixth by hitting Haren's first pitch over the left-field wall to make it 3-all.
Notes:@ Polanco extended his postseason hitting streak to nine games, dating to the 2001 playoff with St. Louis. ... Mark Kotsay made an animated twist of his body, hoping to coax his long drive to stay fair in the A's seventh. It curved foul beyond the pole, and he struck out.

The underdogs proved the naysayers wrong.