We went golfing today. It was pretty nice out. Not too cold, no rain. I wore a short sleeved shirt with my sleeveless blue vest.
I haven't golfed since before the banquet which was the end of August. Had a high score but some good shots. Most of the tee offs were good. A great sand shot on the par 3. Two chips hit the pin. Not bad overall.
Only Ma, me and Jodie were there. Mark said we can use our punches next year. Good thing because I still have 9 left! Ma has 1 and Jodie has 5.
I signed my new will today so it's now in effect. He didn't write in the Joan Crawford clause in the right words but since I want it in force ASAP I just left it. It'll need to be amended again in less than 10 years. Jodie signed her papers for the living will. I still don't like that it reads that I don't want to be kept alive when I do, but since having anyone other than my parents in charge is more important, that's all I could do. I've stressed to her that even if it's 20 years or longer I don't want to be disconnected.
I need to get my stuff together along with a copy of the will and give it to her to keep. I also still need to call the cemetary for a plot.
Is it weird that I'm so prepared? Even at my age? I know girls who are single mothers who haven't even thought of who would get their kids if they die. Hell they are living paycheck to paycheck they can't think past that.