I've been on vacation since last Friday. I go back to work tomorrow 8-4:30pm. So what happens today? I get sick. Lovely. I've been throwing up since aprox 7pm. It's 10:30 now. As soon as I think I'm done and I stumble out of the bathroom I have to turn around and go again. Yuck.
Why is the last thing you eat not the first to come back up? I think it's goofy that the first thing I had today (which was Cherry Coke) was the first thing to come up. How long does digestion take? Especially of liquid? Then the last thing I had was Alka Selzter was the last to come up? Very weird. And gross.
We went to Ground Round for Kevin's birthday. I didn't feel great afterwards but I sure didn't think I'd be this sick. I almost didn't go because there food sucks. But I went and had a Margarita and salad although I only ate some of it. Guess that will teach me.
I took a nap earlier but I guess I should try to get some sleep.
Back to work. Yuck.