So I came home from Lansing yesterday after 6 and it was already very dark and rainy out. There was a yellow lab in front of Hattie's house in the middle of the road. I stopped by her and was yelling at her to get out of the road but she was ignorning me. People drive so fast I was afraid she would get hit. I hurried up and parked my car in the garage and went out front with my coat to get her. She went down to the corner then toward Russell St. Ugg. I remembered I had my Hello Kitty with rice in it. She was following that for a bit then I took the lid off and was getting her to my house. We got to my back door but she wouldn't come in. I called Ma to have Daddy come get her but they were poopy, she called the Humane Society but they were closed, I had her call Diane, the dog ran away again to the house on the corner. I got her back to Hattie's back step. I called her to see if her son would come help but he was laying down because he was sick. I said never mind. Hattie came out, she thought the dog was Cody and when I told her I didn't know who's it was she told me to go in the house and forget about her. But I started crying again, (I had a bad day at work) saying "what if it was Jade and no one helped her and she got hit by a car?" She went in but came out later with some meat slices as I was putting on a jacket and going after the dog again. I know she thinks I'm crazy.
Well the meat worked. That dog REALLY wanted it. I got her all the way to the back door. Ma came with a collar and lease, I gave the dog the meat and we hurried up and put the collar on her. We practically had to pull her into the house. She ate some food, then Ma took her home. I called Jodie and while we were on the phone, Ma called her to say they were bringing the dog over there since she has that pen in the basement. Jodie says to Jade, "Maybe the sister we've been waiting for is coming!"
So Wednesday morning the house alarm goes off at 6:15 am. and Jade comes upstairs. At first I thought she was fevering but she was just tired. Later Jodie called and I guess Doggy didn't like it in the basement, she was banging against the door and howling so Jodie put her outside. She was howling outside. Jodie said if she did it Wednesday night she would call me and make me come get her. Well I took Jade home and Ma met me there to check on Doggy and guess what?! She was gone!! She escaped.
I had placed an ad in the paper, called the pound and Ma had talked to the Humane Society. So now she has Cody's collar and rabies shot info and who knows where she is. I'm worried but Jade and I walked down the street and couldn't find her.