I packed a bagel with goober grape. (which I ate in the car during the construction jam on M-14, Yes they are STILL working on it)
A banana (that I just bought on Sunday and was still green but is suddenly very, very brown) that I ate on 1st break. A container of fruit on the bottom strawberry yogurt with cereal awhile after break. Some skinny carrots, rice and tofu that I fried yesterday. This rubbermaid container is too big. By the time I ate the rice it was all jumbled up with the carrots. The tofu I bought was already flavored (it was all right-not the best) so the carrots had that flavor on them. I hate my fruits and vegetables convorting. They have to have their own taste not the taste of something else on them. That why I hate fruit cocktail. Yucky.
So it's only been two days this week and one day last week that I've brought food, but I think it's working out. I'm not starving when I get home at 6:30pm after leaving at 6:30am.
I haven't been buying junk from the goodie table. I need to take water with me though. Also I would like to go to the Y-Center after work but I'm still so tired when I get out. This week I have (well yesterday) Saturday off. Next week I work Mon-Fri 11:30-8pm because the following week is Thanksgiving and I taking my last vacation week!!! woot woot!!!
Jade was sick Tuesday night overnight she had a fever of 104 and I guess Jodie couldn't bring it down. So she took the day off, so Jade didn't come over. Boo. Hopefully she'll work on Saturday and Jade can come over. I'll at least go get her and we'll go to Cascades.