So I didn't have time to write about this yesterday so I'll fill in now. Last week I told my area that we would bring in treats yesterday (Friday) for Joaquin's birthday (which is really today-but I thought most of us would be off). It was really just an excuse to have food (well I do call him my husband AND the bitches DID conveniently forget MY birthday while making a HUGE to-do over every one since) So then on Tuesday, Flo* sends a note saying that she was collecting for Jeri's* Birthday.
Ok, bitch you've heard me saying already that we're having food now why do you need to horn in on it? Monday I stayed late to make up for going home early on Friday (that'll be another post), and Diane* said to Flo* are you still divorcing your husband? See!!! I KNEW she was having drama at home.
So THEN she wants to take a collection for Jeri* as a housewarming/Birthday gift!! Doesn't say how much, I asked if she had a card (no), and said you knew I already was planning something...Oh I thought you were joking. Bitch, I hate you, why would I JOKE with you?!
So then I was off Wed & Thurs, came back on Friday. Was talking to Jeri* and Indiana* was butting in and people were gathering around. I quickly figured out that they were going to give Jeri* the Birthday card and gift card. Ummm Bitch Flo* didn't get money from me and didn't ask me to sign the card. Of course I wouldn't have signed without putting money in but she KNEW I wanted to put in. I felt soo stupid sitting at my desk while they gave it to her. What a douche.
So then Este* comes to the wall and says really loud, how's Joaquin's Birthday?! Bitch I'm going to kick that crutch out from underneath your ass, knock you to the ground, then STOMP on you until I can't recognize your FUG face. STFU.
So today, I gave Jeri* and Lou* a Halloween treat today and I said to Jeri*, I'm not giving one to my new nemesis and I looked at Flo's* desk. Jeri* started laughing and said, "like Newman?" (I LOVE Seinfeld, I forget she watches it!) I said, "well you noticed who wasn't allowed to sign your card". She said she didn't notice but she would have thought I was off. I said no, she PURPOSELY wouldn't let me.