Well, I felt soo much better today. I was still tired when I woke up. I tried to pick up the house a little. Got my bento from Sunday together, the trash and left the house at 6am. Traffic jam at M-14 around 7 took about 20 minutes to get through.
I felt ok even during work. I ate yogurt w/granola at break with some cheese cubes and grapes. Took my 2liter of Vernors. I was scared that I still felt icky but I guess I was ok.
Work was busy, I've been too sick to take my meds so I'm crying over everthing. Some transfered broad in WI control is worthless and pissing me off. Then at the end of the day Hilda tells me I 16hours over on my vacation time. How can that be? I should still have 1 or 2 days even after taking this 1 1/2 days I just took.
Adrionne will go over it with me on Thursday.
I left my camera at Ma's house on Thanksgiving so no picture of the bento. Boo! It was kinda cute taking my box and eating out of it. I need to pack something I can use my chopsticks with.
Still no Hello Kittys. Uggg.