I'm getting quite good at cooking tofu. Today I had leftovers from dinner last night. I had bought fried tofu which I cut up in to small cubes. Chopped the rest of the cabbage, some broccoli and pea pods. The rest of the bottle of sauce and a bit of water. I put a plate on top of the pan wanting to wilt the cabbage but the steam made too much water, so then I took the plate off, turned the flame down and cooked it too long and it got kinda burned. I had also added pepper. Not a good idea. But it was still yummy. The already fried tofu has a good consistency but didn't absorb as much flavor. I'll probably buy it again and try marinating it before hand. I need to buy the press and seal saran wrap to use with kitty face because the stuff from the one side (usually grapes) jumps to the other and gets that taste on them. I don't like my stuff to taste like the wrong thing. Yucky. Kitty face actually holds a good bit of food. And I get a bunch of compliments on it.
Work sucks by the way. We are sooooo crazy busy. I had another crying jag today. My manager yelled at me then when he asked why are you crying (why do boys ask that? like they don't know it's their fault)I'm like because you yelled at me. No I didn't. Well that didn't go over well and I just let loose and opened my mouth and crap just came out. I did notice that it got really, really quiet in my area. hee. Of course later they were teasing me. I would laugh at me too. But I would also be scared. That's what I can't figure out. The people that live after a worker shoots up the place always act like it's the biggest surprise in the world. But how can it be? Are people just clueless? Or just don't want to admit that there might be a real psycho in their midst? Then it's too late and then what? Hmmm..