Left over Chinese I made yesterday. It turned out really good. I bought a different kind of sauce at Meijer. On Wednesday, I fried up firm tofu in a little vegetable oil then the sauce and a bit of water, put it in plasticware in the refrig then yesterday cooked up cabbage, broccoli, celery and the tofu. I had bought some Japanese noodles too and had some of those in the top tier. They were ok I think I prefer rice instead.
Well it looks like we're going to be getting our stupid schedules week by week instead of 12 weeks at a time. Next week I work earlier on Sunday but later during the week. The new trade rules are that can only trade ONCE a month. WTF!? How crazy is that? Ugg. I hate this place. I need 3 more classes just to get my associate's degree for accounting, but with the way companies in Jackson are closing, I don't know if I would be able to find anything.