Today's bento: Leftover Veggie Rice w/the small triangle mold with fresh ground pepper. Cut apple & cheese cubes. Harvest Crisp crackers I have at work. Also took a yogurt w/granola but didn't end up eating it. This made me full.
I had to stop to get gas this morning and the coolant light was on. Checked under the hood and it was completely empty!!! My fingers were freezing and felt frostbit as I was trying to open the jug and pour the stuff in. On the way home a rock hit the windshield and made a big dent. Good thing I still have got it replaced because of the crack. Windshield washer fluid is empty too. I'm not really overdue for an oilchange still have about 1,000 miles to go but I think if I don't forget I'll stop after work tomorrow. Better safe than sorry.