No Bento Today
Work up too late to put one together, then I left the veggie sushi I bought at Trader Joe's on the countertop and the maids didn't put it in the refrig when they cleaned today. Oh well.
So the reason for the happy face?
I preferenced today (for 8 week schedule) and I got a GREAT!! schedule. 7-3:30 Mon,Tues,Thurs & Friday. Sunday 8:30-5 with Wed & Sat off. Yippee!!! Woot, Woot!!
This is almost as good a schedule as I good when we first got to Southfield and I ulled 6-2:30's. Of course, it's the same reaction, the chickie's with kids who don't want to start too early (7am's) but also don't want a weekend shift had to bump down to 10am starts so they're pissed off.
I guess there is some sorta of petition going around but I haven't seen it. Plus we got an email today that tomorrow there is a union meeting. Umm thanks for the advance notice!!!
But for now and the next 10 weeks I'm happy. I'll have to be on the road at 5am but at least construction on M-14 is starting to kinda wrap up. Slowly but it's a little better. Now if the snow holds off.