Sick Again
I didn't feel good yesterday at work so when I got home I went to bed around 8, kinda thinking I would just lay down for an hour and get back up. I ended up sleeping til morning. Then when it was time to get up I felt like crap and was exhausted. I called in that I would be late and went back to sleep. At 9 my head felt like it was going to explode, I called back and took a vacation day instead. I hate using those for sick days but since I only have like 7.25 hours sick time for the rest of the year what else could I do?
I took some Excederin not really thinking it would help but I didn't know where the Maxalt was and my head hurt too much to look for it. Went back to bed with a wet washcloth for an hour.
I felt a little better later. I got out some Halloween decorations, did some laundry and move some of my weight and exercise stuff in the basement over to the area where the bedroom was. I still need to clean up down there but it's so overwhelming right now. I need to just go down there and stay for at least an hour or two. Yeah I can see me doing that.
The was a little frost on the windsheild yesterday so I need to clean out the garage so I can put my car in. Maybe on Wednesday.