Dad accused of beating son
Police say he dragged naked teen down street
Friday, July 21, 2006
A Jackson man whipped his naked 14-year-old son with a leather belt while he led him by the wrist up and down a Jackson street, police and prosecutors say.
Prosecutors issued an arrest warrant Thursday for the 34-year-old father after the incident Wednesday night. He faces one charge of second-degree child abuse and one charge of felonious assault.
"This certainly is not a healthy environment to raise a child," said Jackson police Deputy Chief Matt Heins. "It is beyond all reasonable comprehension of the appropriate level of discipline."
The Citizen Patriot generally does not identify victims of child abuse; the father's name is not being used, to protect the son's identity.
The father apparently became enraged when he thought his son was allowing relatives into their house in the 400 block of High Street to have sex, a police report said.
The father marched down the block to get his son, who was at a friend's house. The father yelled at him, but the son said he didn't know what he was talking about, the report said.
When they returned to the house, the father took off his 2-inch thick leather belt and started striking the teen, the report said. The father then ordered his son to strip off all his clothes or face further beatings, police said.
The father then led the teen by the wrist up High Street about 9:30 p.m., when it was still light out. The son told police he was embarrassed. Numerous cars drove by honking and neighbors mocked him as friends looked on, the son told police.
The son complied because he didn't want to be hit with the belt anymore, he told police.
Once they returned to the house, the son was forced to sit on the porch for 20 minutes, still naked. He eventually grabbed his clothes, dressed and made it to his mother's house on Van Buren Street. She called police.
A police officer observed five large welts on the teen's back and arm.
The mother also told police that the father called her and said he was going to "beat the hell" out of the child. Police notified Children's Protective Services.
The father is expected to be arraigned today in District Court.
"The allegations in this case are shocking and will be taken very seriously by this office," Chief Assistant Prosecutor Mark Blumer said.
After reading the article, Dad Accused of Beating Son on July 21, I was embarrassed to be a resident of this community.
Why? Because “numerous cars drove by honking and neighbors mocked him as friends looked on”.
You people should be ashamed of yourselves. I wonder how you can look yourselves in the mirror and not wonder what is wrong with you.
We have a responsibility as members of civilized society to protect others who are not in a position to take care of themselves. And if ever an opportunity presented itself to step up in the face of evil and say NO, not in my neighborhood, not in my presence, not in front of my children, this was it. And everyone who was there and did absolutely nothing said loud and clearly that it’s ok. Ok to abuse children in the 400 block of High St., ok to commit crimes in the 400 block of High St, ok to flaunt your disregard to human decency in the 400 block of High St, go ahead we won’t stop you. We don’t care enough to stop it. We’ll just sit by and watch and laugh.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. Albert Einstein
‘The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing—Edmund Burke
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Devil Wears Prada
I liked the book, but I have to say that the movie was probably better. They improved the ending. She still quit Runway but not to go back to the States from the Paris fashion shows to take care of her sick friend. Which I thought was a stupid reason to leave Paris AND quit your job. Her friend and boyfriend still gave her a hard time for spending so much time on her job, which I didn't understand in the book and still didn't understand in the movie. I means she explained that it was only for one year, and then Miranda would help her write her own ticket to do whatever she wants in the future. But the boyfriend and friend were really too selfish to accept this. Things change. People change. Priorities change. Accept that. Especially in the movie they had the boyfriend pout because she missed his birthday. Big deal. You have a birthday every year. It's just a day.
There were other changes that improved it. I think that this book, the Notebook and Bridget Jones' Diary are all good adaptations.
I wouldn't mind seeing this over again.
5 bones.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Doc's wife charged with helping his killer
Police say she met the admitted triggerman in drug rehab
Monday, July 24, 2006; Posted: 5:54 p.m. EDT
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) -- The wife of a Pennsylvania doctor surrendered Monday to face charges in the shooting death of her millionaire husband last year along the Ohio Turnpike.
Hours earlier, a man linked romantically to her pleaded guilty in the case.
Donna Moonda, 47, was charged in federal court with interstate stalking that resulted in death, using a firearm in a violent crime, and aiding and abetting.
Earlier in the day, Damian Bradford, 25, of Monaca, Pennsylvania, admitted in an Ohio court to his involvement in the shooting.
Bradford, who prosecutors said was the triggerman, agreed to cooperate with authorities.
Gulam Moonda, 69, a urologist from Hermitage, Pennsylvania, was shot May 13, 2005, after he pulled off the Ohio turnpike south of Cleveland to let his wife drive, authorities said.
His wife said a gunman emerged from another vehicle, shot and robbed her husband and fled.
Prosecutors said they would decide later whether to seek the death penalty against Moonda's widow.
Her attorney said she intends to plead not guilty.
Bradford and Donna Moonda, who apparently met in drug rehabilitation, were having an affair, and she planned to divorce her husband in hopes of obtaining up to $4 million, authorities said.
The doctor's will indicated his wife would get 20 percent of his estate -- an estimated $1.2 million -- and their home.
During Bradford's plea hearing, U.S. District Judge David D. Dowd Jr. said Bradford will get 17-1/2 years in prison. Bradford could have received life in prison
So...where to start?
She's 47 and a meth head, meets a 25 year old in rehab they fall in love?
They (or she) hatches a plan to murder her 69 year old husband and his will gives her only 20% of his estate. But when she was planning on divorcing him she hoped to get $4 million.
So how did murdering him really benefit her? She ended up with less money. And her boyfriend ratted her out and now she's either facing death or at least life in prison.
Seems like staying with him and cheating would have been better or divorcing.
Comes back to what I've always said, "If you're going to do a crime (or a bad thing) do it ALONE so there isn't anyone to tell on you". or blackmail you, or kill you.
Some criminals are sooo stupid but others are genius. How does that work?
Police say she met the admitted triggerman in drug rehab
Monday, July 24, 2006; Posted: 5:54 p.m. EDT
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) -- The wife of a Pennsylvania doctor surrendered Monday to face charges in the shooting death of her millionaire husband last year along the Ohio Turnpike.
Hours earlier, a man linked romantically to her pleaded guilty in the case.
Donna Moonda, 47, was charged in federal court with interstate stalking that resulted in death, using a firearm in a violent crime, and aiding and abetting.
Earlier in the day, Damian Bradford, 25, of Monaca, Pennsylvania, admitted in an Ohio court to his involvement in the shooting.
Bradford, who prosecutors said was the triggerman, agreed to cooperate with authorities.
Gulam Moonda, 69, a urologist from Hermitage, Pennsylvania, was shot May 13, 2005, after he pulled off the Ohio turnpike south of Cleveland to let his wife drive, authorities said.
His wife said a gunman emerged from another vehicle, shot and robbed her husband and fled.
Prosecutors said they would decide later whether to seek the death penalty against Moonda's widow.
Her attorney said she intends to plead not guilty.
Bradford and Donna Moonda, who apparently met in drug rehabilitation, were having an affair, and she planned to divorce her husband in hopes of obtaining up to $4 million, authorities said.
The doctor's will indicated his wife would get 20 percent of his estate -- an estimated $1.2 million -- and their home.
During Bradford's plea hearing, U.S. District Judge David D. Dowd Jr. said Bradford will get 17-1/2 years in prison. Bradford could have received life in prison
So...where to start?
She's 47 and a meth head, meets a 25 year old in rehab they fall in love?
They (or she) hatches a plan to murder her 69 year old husband and his will gives her only 20% of his estate. But when she was planning on divorcing him she hoped to get $4 million.
So how did murdering him really benefit her? She ended up with less money. And her boyfriend ratted her out and now she's either facing death or at least life in prison.
Seems like staying with him and cheating would have been better or divorcing.
Comes back to what I've always said, "If you're going to do a crime (or a bad thing) do it ALONE so there isn't anyone to tell on you". or blackmail you, or kill you.
Some criminals are sooo stupid but others are genius. How does that work?
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Well I golfed terribly on Wednesday. I had sooo many putts, I'm embarrassed to type it. My fairway & tee shots were good, I did take a mulligan on 14 and on the par-3 11th hole, I had a great tee off. But I just couldn't putt.
I had sooo many 3 & even 4 putts. Everyone was still gone from Clare so I golfed with Jill & Clara. They putted about the same but Clara's fairway shots go much further than mine. I kept an eye on the GPS and I figure my tee shots are about 90-100 and fairway with my 5-wood about 80-85. I haven't been using my 3-wood because I've been doing really well with the 5-wood.
The British Open is this weekend and Sergio is tied for 2nd place only 1 stroke behind. I hope the wheels don't fall off tomorrow. I love him and it's about time he wins a major.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hot Piece of Twat Was, Like, Totally a Victim
Diana Bianchi, the 19-year-old Southampton townie who slept with skeezy old architect Peter Cook and thus helped to end his marriage to world-weary supermodel Christie Brinkley, somewhat ill-advisedly went on Fox 5 news last night to defend her case. Watching the clip, it's clear that she is by no means "old" for her age -- that is to say, she might as well be 15 and Peter Cook might as well be in prison. Also, be sure to take note of her squirming in the beginning, as if interviewer Rosanna Scotto were about to pull out a shiv on behalf of middle-aged housewives everywhere.
Ok, so I don't really like Christie Brinkley, frankly I think she's a slut. But this story is some funny shit. First they announce the separation. Then a teeny tiny story I saw that he had an affair. Then all of a sudden it's some stupid 19 year old whore filing a lawsuit. WFT??? For sexual harrassment. Crazy.
But really she was his mistress because he bought her a car, jewelry and gave her money. She knew he was married. He told her he wouldn't leave his family. So how is she the "victim". A lot of times I hate other women. They are so stupid. (Why can't I find a guy to buy me good stuff?- not married of course)
One of the comments on a blog was asking why everyone was blaming the girl and not condeming him. Well because guys are pigs but if the girl KNOWS that he's married or has a girlfriend, it's wrong. It just is. Of course he's wrong too, but he didn't lie to her so take responsibility you slut!!
Diana Bianchi, the 19-year-old Southampton townie who slept with skeezy old architect Peter Cook and thus helped to end his marriage to world-weary supermodel Christie Brinkley, somewhat ill-advisedly went on Fox 5 news last night to defend her case. Watching the clip, it's clear that she is by no means "old" for her age -- that is to say, she might as well be 15 and Peter Cook might as well be in prison. Also, be sure to take note of her squirming in the beginning, as if interviewer Rosanna Scotto were about to pull out a shiv on behalf of middle-aged housewives everywhere.
Ok, so I don't really like Christie Brinkley, frankly I think she's a slut. But this story is some funny shit. First they announce the separation. Then a teeny tiny story I saw that he had an affair. Then all of a sudden it's some stupid 19 year old whore filing a lawsuit. WFT??? For sexual harrassment. Crazy.
But really she was his mistress because he bought her a car, jewelry and gave her money. She knew he was married. He told her he wouldn't leave his family. So how is she the "victim". A lot of times I hate other women. They are so stupid. (Why can't I find a guy to buy me good stuff?- not married of course)
One of the comments on a blog was asking why everyone was blaming the girl and not condeming him. Well because guys are pigs but if the girl KNOWS that he's married or has a girlfriend, it's wrong. It just is. Of course he's wrong too, but he didn't lie to her so take responsibility you slut!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
So Jade is visiting while Ma & Jodie are golfing in Clare. Jodie dropped her off yesterday morning and says she has a fever and her leg is swollen, but she gave her aspirin. When we woke up she wasn't limping so I didn't know which leg it was. She was on the porch barking at stuff but she didn't eat or drink her water. When I got back from the pool it was all still there. I called Jodie and she said to fix toast and rice. She ate the toast but not the rice until right before bed but still didn't drink.
Around 4:30am she was making funny noises like she was thirsty or was going to throw up, so I let her outside but she still didn't drink. UGG
We got up at 8:30am because she was holding her back right leg up and it looked swollen. I called Jodie and she called the doctor. I took her at 11:30am. She had a fast heartbeat and a fever. I told the doctor and the vet student that I thought there was dried blood in her ears, but they said it was gunk and she has a yeast infection. They cleaned it out and took blood for tests. It cost $167 + the blood work cost. I left with 2 prescriptions, and 2 bottles of stuff for her ears. I had to give her a pill with a "snack" when we got home, another one tonight and I have to Q-Tip her ears. This vacation is supposed to be fun and frivolity not me being a dog doctor. Eeeck!!
I made toast which she ate, I forgot to add salt to the rice so it's kinda gross. She drank some water from the hose when we water the flowers at Jodie's but she's only had a little since then. I still have to clean her ears. The doctor thought her eyes didn't look too good either. Which I didn't think the right one looked right either. Kinda puffy.
Doesn't look like she'll be going on the walk with me tomorrow. Although I don't know if I really want to go either. It's hotter than hell outside. I put out 1 bag of mulch by the raised beds where I'm redoing the steps. My yard looks like hell. It needs to be mowed so bad. But I haven't heard from U. Bill about my mower and the neighbor hasn't mowed for me. He hasn't mowed next door either so I guess I don't know if he forgot me or not. He told me before Mondays are late for him so I doubt he'll do it tonight. The boys did Heddie's while I was at the vet's if I would have seen them I would have asked them.
Oh well.
Around 4:30am she was making funny noises like she was thirsty or was going to throw up, so I let her outside but she still didn't drink. UGG
We got up at 8:30am because she was holding her back right leg up and it looked swollen. I called Jodie and she called the doctor. I took her at 11:30am. She had a fast heartbeat and a fever. I told the doctor and the vet student that I thought there was dried blood in her ears, but they said it was gunk and she has a yeast infection. They cleaned it out and took blood for tests. It cost $167 + the blood work cost. I left with 2 prescriptions, and 2 bottles of stuff for her ears. I had to give her a pill with a "snack" when we got home, another one tonight and I have to Q-Tip her ears. This vacation is supposed to be fun and frivolity not me being a dog doctor. Eeeck!!
I made toast which she ate, I forgot to add salt to the rice so it's kinda gross. She drank some water from the hose when we water the flowers at Jodie's but she's only had a little since then. I still have to clean her ears. The doctor thought her eyes didn't look too good either. Which I didn't think the right one looked right either. Kinda puffy.
Doesn't look like she'll be going on the walk with me tomorrow. Although I don't know if I really want to go either. It's hotter than hell outside. I put out 1 bag of mulch by the raised beds where I'm redoing the steps. My yard looks like hell. It needs to be mowed so bad. But I haven't heard from U. Bill about my mower and the neighbor hasn't mowed for me. He hasn't mowed next door either so I guess I don't know if he forgot me or not. He told me before Mondays are late for him so I doubt he'll do it tonight. The boys did Heddie's while I was at the vet's if I would have seen them I would have asked them.
Oh well.
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ohmigod! I don't know what happened but I got the worst wax yesterday ever. I am in soooo much pain, I can't stand it. I've put Cortisone cream on, Tend Skin and have tried plucking but I've still got bumps and redness and it hurts like hell. My legs were bumpy yesterday right after but they're ok now it's just my right inner thigh.
I hope it's better tomorrow. I went to the pool and was hoping the clorine and sun would help but obviously it didn't. I didn't get sunburned so that's not the problem.
I need to seriously look into laser removal. I can't go through this again. Even though it's the first time, it's one time too many.
I'm babysitting Jade until Wednesday. Jodie dropped her off and she was sick. UGG. Had a fever and her leg was swollen. What the hell do I know about taking care of a sick dog? When we woke up, the leg looked ok and she was limping but her right eye looked puffy. I guess she doesn't take vitamins anymore because they weren't in her bag. I put in eye drops and it flushed out eye goober. She's moping around, didn't eat her food only drank a little water. When I washed her face and ears this morning there was brown crap in her ear. Later I washed them again and it looks like dried blood or something.
I called Jodie and she said to make her toast and rice. Great I have to make rice. Usually I scorch it but I added more water and kept a better eye on it so it didn't burn. I made enough for both of us. She smelled hers and walked away. So I made her another piece of toast. Later she ate some of the rice. We'll see how she does overnight. I forgot to tell her about the crap in her ear. The connection was bad.
I had to go over her house and water her plants. I don't even water my own plants! There's a dog next door in this itty bitty pen with no water or food and it was hotter than hell out. I meant to call Animal Control and leave a message but I forgot because I needed to charge my phone. Where did I write down the number and address? Well I found their website and sent an email. I called the telephone # but the answering machine doesn't take after hours messages.
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Today was the Planet Fitness 5k (used to be America's Physique) I like this run because of the door prizes and the ice cream but I didn't do well at all.
We lined up and I started to feel funny. Then there was this yucky cow manure smell. Gross. The 10k people went first and they went out and come around behind us and we all clapped for them, then they moved the starting line back and we were off. Of course I started out going strong so I always tell myself slow down, take it easy, breathe. Then there was an older man ahead of me shuffling along and a lady with pink pants on walking. I was really trying to go the first mile without stopping since I've done that in the last two races but it was muggy and I started feeling worse.
Once I start walking, it's very hard to get running again. I was able to though. Run, walk, run. Walk too much. Tried to run down hill but then I get too much momentum and think I'm going to fall. It was very hot out. I couldn't even run in, my feet were sooo hot and I didn't feel the worse I've ever felt but close. Ended up with 46:07. UGGGG
Aunt Linda went and she got 3rd place in her age group. Peggi got 2nd place in her age group. Amy did the 10k and got 2nd. My dad didn't go and Donna wasn't there.
Ma and Jodie go to Clare tomorrow so the baby comes over for 4 days. I want her to stay over tonight but Jodie won't let her. Boo!!
Next race 8/5/2006 Clark Lake I did pretty good in it last year even though I was hung over. So I should do good this year. Goal= under 40 minutes and run into the finish.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

So yesterday I golfed really well. Again. 57/17 I had a par on the par 3. First par in a long time. Driver right onto the green, the pin was forward a little to the left and my ball was just on the green, forward on the right. I putted it long pretty close, then didn't miss it in!!! Yippee!!!
I had all pretty good drives and my fairway shots are getting about 80 yards or so. I had about 4 shots that I can think of right off that were bad that would have taken me down to 53. One of those being a putt and I'm sure one or two others so that would be 51 so not bad. The last three times we've golfed I've shot 57, so at least I'm not getting worse. And the par 5's I've shot 7 so that's at least a 2 shot improvement.
Now if I would just practice.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

So I'm very excited.
1) I get to go to jury duty tomorrow.
2) K-Fed is my first friend on MySpace.
Ok I hate MySpace. It's not user friendly like blogger. And it's slllloooowww, but "celebrities" have profiles. I'm not going to have any regular people just "celebrities" and Kevin is my first. I have a request in to David & Goliath. I can't find Kathy Griffin's even though I looked at it before. hmmm
I hope I get picked for a jury and it's a good case. Hopefully one that will take 5 or 6 days. I don't think we have cases that last that long in Jackson. But at least more than a few days. Although I have next Mon, Tues & Wed off so I hope I don't go then. So really I just need to go tomorrow, Thurs and be done on Friday. That will be cool.
Yeah that's what I want.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Baby girl mauled by family pit bull in Santa Barbara
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) - A baby girl will need extensive surgery after being mauled by her family's pit bull in Santa Barbara. Police Lieutenant Paul McCaffrey says the dog attacked the eleven-month-old yesterday afternoon inside their apartment.
The infant suffered bite wounds to her face, forehead, and scalp. She was taken to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital where she is listed in stable condition.
At the familys request, the dog was taken into custody by Santa Barbara Animal Control and euthanized.
McCaffrey says the eight-year old pit bull mix had no prior history of biting people. He says the child's mother kept the dog at the girl's grandmother's house in Santa Barbara. McCaffrey says yesterday was the first time the pit bull had been introduced to the infant.
There was more information on so I'll be talking about some of the details I got from there.
Ok so you have a dog for 8 years. Then when you have a baby you ship the dog off to grandmother's house for 11 months. Then you reunite mom, dad, Pepe (the dog) and the baby (because wife thinks that the baby is "old enough") so they are on the couch and Pepe attacks.
Again this raises my question of how do stupid people get to be say 40, 50 or 60 years old? They are stupid so shouldn't they die sooner? And especially not be able to spawn because obviously their offspring will be stupid too.
So who didn't see this coming? Raise your hand. >>>>No hands raised.
Exactly. If prior to being abandoned these people treated Pepe like we treat Luda, Jade and Bruno & Cody then of course the dog was probably sad and lonely. I'll bet during the 11 months they didn't visit much if at all. Then all of a sudden they come with a baby. Then they were probably playing with the baby and ignoring Pepe. Pepe's excited to see them but then they are ignoring him and he gets jealous. Duh. It has nothing to do with the fact that he's a pitbull. Jade gets jealous when we play with Luda or even with Blue the stuffed animal if she gets ignored. Bruno & Cody got jealous too. Dogs have feelings too whether people want to admit it or not.
Then these idiots murder the dog!!! That's what makes me the angriest. They are at fault and that child needs to be in protective services. This is why not everyone should be allowed to breed. (especially Britney Spears but that's another story)
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) - A baby girl will need extensive surgery after being mauled by her family's pit bull in Santa Barbara. Police Lieutenant Paul McCaffrey says the dog attacked the eleven-month-old yesterday afternoon inside their apartment.
The infant suffered bite wounds to her face, forehead, and scalp. She was taken to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital where she is listed in stable condition.
At the familys request, the dog was taken into custody by Santa Barbara Animal Control and euthanized.
McCaffrey says the eight-year old pit bull mix had no prior history of biting people. He says the child's mother kept the dog at the girl's grandmother's house in Santa Barbara. McCaffrey says yesterday was the first time the pit bull had been introduced to the infant.
There was more information on so I'll be talking about some of the details I got from there.
Ok so you have a dog for 8 years. Then when you have a baby you ship the dog off to grandmother's house for 11 months. Then you reunite mom, dad, Pepe (the dog) and the baby (because wife thinks that the baby is "old enough") so they are on the couch and Pepe attacks.
Again this raises my question of how do stupid people get to be say 40, 50 or 60 years old? They are stupid so shouldn't they die sooner? And especially not be able to spawn because obviously their offspring will be stupid too.
So who didn't see this coming? Raise your hand. >>>>No hands raised.
Exactly. If prior to being abandoned these people treated Pepe like we treat Luda, Jade and Bruno & Cody then of course the dog was probably sad and lonely. I'll bet during the 11 months they didn't visit much if at all. Then all of a sudden they come with a baby. Then they were probably playing with the baby and ignoring Pepe. Pepe's excited to see them but then they are ignoring him and he gets jealous. Duh. It has nothing to do with the fact that he's a pitbull. Jade gets jealous when we play with Luda or even with Blue the stuffed animal if she gets ignored. Bruno & Cody got jealous too. Dogs have feelings too whether people want to admit it or not.
Then these idiots murder the dog!!! That's what makes me the angriest. They are at fault and that child needs to be in protective services. This is why not everyone should be allowed to breed. (especially Britney Spears but that's another story)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Newborn Left At Gaffney Hospital
Mother Uses 'Daniel's Law' To Drop Off Child Safely
GAFFNEY, S.C. -- A woman left a healthy newborn baby girl at Upstate Carolina Medical Center at about 7:30 a.m. Thursday, under South Carolina's Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies Act, more commonly known as "Daniel's Law."
The child was examined by a local pediatrician and found to be healthy. The doctor said he believes the baby was less than 24 hours old and was probably not born at a health care facility.
The child is being held in the hospital's nursery for 36 hours, according to the requirements of the abandoned-babies law.
After that time, the child will be turned over to the South Carolina Department of Social Services for custody and foster-care placement.
Local DSS representatives were at the hospital soon after the child's arrival.
In accordance with the law, the identity of the person who brought the baby to the hospital and the names of the parents will not be released.
"This is a good law," Upstate Carolina CEO Joe Howell said. "The law was created to provide a safe avenue for parents to relinquish custody of a newborn without fear of exposure or retribution. The whole purpose is to provide what is best for the child."
When DSS takes custody of the child, the department is required to release a public notice about the circumstances of the abandonment, including a description of the child and time and date of the placement hearing.
"I have faith in the system this little girl will find a loving home and parents who will give her the life all children deserve," Howell said.
It's about time there's a story with a good ending. I don't know how people can claim they don't know about these laws.
Now the baby has a chance at a good life with people who want to adopt her instead of (probably) a young girl who's already broke up with the baby's daddy. What kind of life would that be? The mother frazzled, no money, wanting to go out, leaving the kid home alone or worse in the car while she clubs or gets her hair & nails done and the kid dies.
I'm very proud of this person.
Newborn Left At Gaffney Hospital
Mother Uses 'Daniel's Law' To Drop Off Child Safely
GAFFNEY, S.C. -- A woman left a healthy newborn baby girl at Upstate Carolina Medical Center at about 7:30 a.m. Thursday, under South Carolina's Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies Act, more commonly known as "Daniel's Law."
The child was examined by a local pediatrician and found to be healthy. The doctor said he believes the baby was less than 24 hours old and was probably not born at a health care facility.
The child is being held in the hospital's nursery for 36 hours, according to the requirements of the abandoned-babies law.
After that time, the child will be turned over to the South Carolina Department of Social Services for custody and foster-care placement.
Local DSS representatives were at the hospital soon after the child's arrival.
In accordance with the law, the identity of the person who brought the baby to the hospital and the names of the parents will not be released.
"This is a good law," Upstate Carolina CEO Joe Howell said. "The law was created to provide a safe avenue for parents to relinquish custody of a newborn without fear of exposure or retribution. The whole purpose is to provide what is best for the child."
When DSS takes custody of the child, the department is required to release a public notice about the circumstances of the abandonment, including a description of the child and time and date of the placement hearing.
"I have faith in the system this little girl will find a loving home and parents who will give her the life all children deserve," Howell said.
It's about time there's a story with a good ending. I don't know how people can claim they don't know about these laws.
Now the baby has a chance at a good life with people who want to adopt her instead of (probably) a young girl who's already broke up with the baby's daddy. What kind of life would that be? The mother frazzled, no money, wanting to go out, leaving the kid home alone or worse in the car while she clubs or gets her hair & nails done and the kid dies.
I'm very proud of this person.
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Got a free Smirnoff Ice Raspberry at Bone Island for my birthday. After I already ordered one so I was a little tipsy. My face was soo hot when I went to bed I couldn't sleep.
Back to work tomorrow. Yucky. But then Sat & Sun off and Jury Duty next week. Yippee!!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Swank'd II: Hilary Reveals Chad Lowe's Unspecified Drug Problem
Having decided that dumping insufficiently successful househusband Chad Lowe was not a nearly enough humiliating experience on its own, professional Oscar collector Hilary Swank has told Vanity Fair that Lowe's vague "substance abuse problem" played a part in their marriage's dissolution:
"I don't want to make it seem like that's the sole reason; there were other factors," Swank told the magazine, which arrived on newsstands on Wednesday. "But that just kind of blew it open; it made me look at things a lot deeper.
"It's an enormous obstacle to overcome and he's doing it. He's living a sober life. I know how difficult it is and I'm really proud of his sobriety."
We trust that these painful revelations will be handled with more care that the magazine has used in the past; Swank's inevitable appearance on the cover in lacy underthings a sassy bikini shouldn't detract from her heartwrenching tale of the moment she knew her marriage was over, when she returned home from a long day of shooting to discover the disturbing tableau of her clearly suffering husband futilely attempting to cut lines with her Million Dollar Baby Best Actress statuette while mumbling about her "overrated, showy" performance. No relationship, no matter how tragically fame-unbalanced, could withstand such a blow.
Ok so I guess bitch was on 90210 but that was way after I stopped watching. But I have always liked her since she was the girl Karate Kid. I was really happy when she won the Oscar for Boys Don't Cry because even though I didn't see the movie I read the book and have seen A&E specials about the case. But this is out of line.
Big time.
Chad Lowe isn't as hot as Rob, but he also hasn't been linked to kinky sex tapes with youngsters. And he's a very, very good actor. See Law & Order: SVU. Should have won an Emmy for his performance.
So ok her star has been shining brighter lately, but let's face it: She's trailer trash or car trash (or both) and this is totally uncalled for. If Denise was saying this about Charlie, I could see it...only because they have kids and she's a ho. But Hilary?!!! I expected more.
Sorry don't like you anymore. Glad I didn't see Boys Don't Cry and Million Dollar Baby, even if you did win Oscars for them and I was happy (then) now you are not likable.
Having decided that dumping insufficiently successful househusband Chad Lowe was not a nearly enough humiliating experience on its own, professional Oscar collector Hilary Swank has told Vanity Fair that Lowe's vague "substance abuse problem" played a part in their marriage's dissolution:
"I don't want to make it seem like that's the sole reason; there were other factors," Swank told the magazine, which arrived on newsstands on Wednesday. "But that just kind of blew it open; it made me look at things a lot deeper.
"It's an enormous obstacle to overcome and he's doing it. He's living a sober life. I know how difficult it is and I'm really proud of his sobriety."
We trust that these painful revelations will be handled with more care that the magazine has used in the past; Swank's inevitable appearance on the cover in lacy underthings a sassy bikini shouldn't detract from her heartwrenching tale of the moment she knew her marriage was over, when she returned home from a long day of shooting to discover the disturbing tableau of her clearly suffering husband futilely attempting to cut lines with her Million Dollar Baby Best Actress statuette while mumbling about her "overrated, showy" performance. No relationship, no matter how tragically fame-unbalanced, could withstand such a blow.
Ok so I guess bitch was on 90210 but that was way after I stopped watching. But I have always liked her since she was the girl Karate Kid. I was really happy when she won the Oscar for Boys Don't Cry because even though I didn't see the movie I read the book and have seen A&E specials about the case. But this is out of line.
Big time.
Chad Lowe isn't as hot as Rob, but he also hasn't been linked to kinky sex tapes with youngsters. And he's a very, very good actor. See Law & Order: SVU. Should have won an Emmy for his performance.
So ok her star has been shining brighter lately, but let's face it: She's trailer trash or car trash (or both) and this is totally uncalled for. If Denise was saying this about Charlie, I could see it...only because they have kids and she's a ho. But Hilary?!!! I expected more.
Sorry don't like you anymore. Glad I didn't see Boys Don't Cry and Million Dollar Baby, even if you did win Oscars for them and I was happy (then) now you are not likable.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Gotta Love the Internet and America! --Petition to revoke scientology's non profit status. to revoke Tom Cruise's citizenship in the United States.
How great is it to live in the US especially now? I guess these petitions have been around for a little while but I just stumbled on them and they are great!!
I'm 3116 for the 1st one and I haven't got the email for the 2nd. Unfortunately a lot of the people used screen names so there signatures won't count. Buttheads.
Wouldn't that be great if his citizenship were actually to ever be revoked. Send his crazy gay ass back to Canada. I think that's where he's from. I like Canada but I hate him and his stupid couch jumping, bearded self.
Monday, July 03, 2006

You know when you are little you often wish you were adopted? I turn 38 Wednesday and I'm still waiting for my "real" mom and dad to come get me.
No, I wasn't adopted. I just wish I was.
Somedays I don't think about it but others it's worse.
Like today.
The situation with Brian is deteriorating the family so fast. It's only been 38 days and things are sooo bad and going downhill with such a force. I've written him 3 letters and only received one. I've asked him to call me and wrote my number since he probably doesn't have it. But no calls. Not one.
I've been off work almost two weeks. I thought I was better but as of today, I'm not. Nope, not even close. I go back to work on Friday. Then have Saturday off. The weather has been crappy the last two days so I haven't been to the pool, hopefully tomorrow will be nice. Had a cookout at Jodie's today. Was nice until someone brought up Brian and I tried not to say anything but then did. I asked if they filled out paperwork to visit yet. No. I said what are you waiting for? Well he said to wait. For what? You going to wait for him to get moved? Then fill out paperwork and then maybe not see him for 2 or 3 months when it gets approved? Well he said to not worry about it. Probably hurt Ma's feelings but who knows since she doesn't say anything. I said something about Daddy giving his stuff away to people on the street and Ma sitting around with her head up her ass instead of doing anything.
So he calls them, they talk about who knows what. Daddy GAVE AWAY a jet ski, the same one he wouldn't SELL to Jodie, but he let some woman write a check and take it away. Evidently dumbasses didn't take the check to the bank, because she called the next day and said don't cash the check because I haven't transfered money into the account yet. WTF?? Did the dumb asses tell her to bring the jet ski back? File a police report? Cash the check so as to prosecute her for writing a bad check? Jodie didn't know.
Better yet. Or just as bad. They picked EXIT Reality as the realtor. This is the same realtor that has 50million signs around town on houses for 6 months or longer and the houses never have sold or pending or lower priced or any movement on them. UGGGG
Got a letter from the attorney today. Resentencing will be on August 10. I hope he gets time served. I don't know the odds of that but I pray that he gets it, just so the 2 dumb fucks don't ruin him more. Although that's another 30 days away and they can certainly do a whole lot more harm. UGGGG
Oh, then I said if anything happens to me I don't want you people to cremate me or if I live to sell or give my stuff away because don't think if I come out of it that I won't sue your asses. She says you better put it in writing. WTF? Bitch I just told all of you what I want. I've told Jodie 4 or 5 times. I've told Kevin. I've told Nonnie and Uncle Bill and bitch says you better put it in writing?!!!
Is that a threat?!! She better hope she's coddled Jodie enough that she'll take care of her because she's obviously getting senile already. If she thinks I'm doing it. Guess again. As for him, he cut himself off when he insinuated that I'm too stupid to run a lawncare business. He's taking all of Brian's stuff. He's being an ass to everyone over the whole situation and just like when he beat us when we where small, she's sitting by with her head up her ass letting him abuse us.
Kevin doesn't return calls or come to town.
My psychiatrist thinks they are punishing Brian and that all 3 of them are depressed. He wants the 2 of them to come see him but they won't.
Well I didn't sleep good last night. I took 1 1/2 ativan tonight and a drink, the fireworks must be over and I'm going to try to get some good sleep.
Sunday, July 02, 2006

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
It's on TV tonight and Desperate Housewives is a rerun and Grey's is one I've seen so I'm watching this again. I love this movie.
Ok so he's not Joaquin (but in this picture he kinda looks like him) and Kate Hudson is not Renee Zellweger but I like both of them. He's hot even though he gets high and plays the bongos naked. I guess that COULD be good naked. Maybe? Better than buffing the floor or changing the gears on a bike. hee hee
This movie is almost as good as Overboard. The part where she names his penis is sooo funny. She tries "Princess Sophia" but he doesn't like it. I wonder why??? He wants Butch, Spike or Krull. Krull??? What the hell. So she goes with Krull the Warrior King. And then he tells his friends??? Is that for real?? Would a guy really do that I wonder. Somehow if I was a guy I don't think I would.
Now she's at his house with a photo album she made of their wedding, first child, vacations, etc. Now his mom called.
I love this movie. It cracks me up every time I watch it. Which is everytime it's on if nothing else is on.
He's kinda sexy in it too. Even though he might be on the other team. He just broke up with Penelope Cruz and you know she was a beard for the Gay Midget. I wonder if she's on the other team too? I can see that. But do lesbians get beards. I guess they do. Look at Will Smith. He's a beard.
Speaking of him. I watched Hitch yesterday. That was pretty good. Kevin James was good in it. Didn't do his stupid talking or physical stuff, so he wasn't annoying. Didn't see the big deal with Eva Mendes though. She was kinda pretty on Oprah whoring the movie but actually in it she wasn't all that.
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