Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hot Piece of Twat Was, Like, Totally a Victim

from Gawker.com

Diana Bianchi, the 19-year-old Southampton townie who slept with skeezy old architect Peter Cook and thus helped to end his marriage to world-weary supermodel Christie Brinkley, somewhat ill-advisedly went on Fox 5 news last night to defend her case. Watching the clip, it's clear that she is by no means "old" for her age -- that is to say, she might as well be 15 and Peter Cook might as well be in prison. Also, be sure to take note of her squirming in the beginning, as if interviewer Rosanna Scotto were about to pull out a shiv on behalf of middle-aged housewives everywhere.

Ok, so I don't really like Christie Brinkley, frankly I think she's a slut. But this story is some funny shit. First they announce the separation. Then a teeny tiny story I saw that he had an affair. Then all of a sudden it's some stupid 19 year old whore filing a lawsuit. WFT??? For sexual harrassment. Crazy.

But really she was his mistress because he bought her a car, jewelry and gave her money. She knew he was married. He told her he wouldn't leave his family. So how is she the "victim". A lot of times I hate other women. They are so stupid. (Why can't I find a guy to buy me good stuff?- not married of course)

One of the comments on a blog was asking why everyone was blaming the girl and not condeming him. Well because guys are pigs but if the girl KNOWS that he's married or has a girlfriend, it's wrong. It just is. Of course he's wrong too, but he didn't lie to her so take responsibility you slut!!