Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Gotta Love the Internet and America!

http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/stopscientology --Petition to revoke scientology's non profit status.

http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/tomcruise--Petition to revoke Tom Cruise's citizenship in the United States.

How great is it to live in the US especially now? I guess these petitions have been around for a little while but I just stumbled on them and they are great!!

I'm 3116 for the 1st one and I haven't got the email for the 2nd. Unfortunately a lot of the people used screen names so there signatures won't count. Buttheads.

Wouldn't that be great if his citizenship were actually to ever be revoked. Send his crazy gay ass back to Canada. I think that's where he's from. I like Canada but I hate him and his stupid couch jumping, bearded self.