So I'm very excited.
1) I get to go to jury duty tomorrow.
2) K-Fed is my first friend on MySpace.
Ok I hate MySpace. It's not user friendly like blogger. And it's slllloooowww, but "celebrities" have profiles. I'm not going to have any regular people just "celebrities" and Kevin is my first. I have a request in to David & Goliath. I can't find Kathy Griffin's even though I looked at it before. hmmm
I hope I get picked for a jury and it's a good case. Hopefully one that will take 5 or 6 days. I don't think we have cases that last that long in Jackson. But at least more than a few days. Although I have next Mon, Tues & Wed off so I hope I don't go then. So really I just need to go tomorrow, Thurs and be done on Friday. That will be cool.
Yeah that's what I want.