Devil Wears Prada
I liked the book, but I have to say that the movie was probably better. They improved the ending. She still quit Runway but not to go back to the States from the Paris fashion shows to take care of her sick friend. Which I thought was a stupid reason to leave Paris AND quit your job. Her friend and boyfriend still gave her a hard time for spending so much time on her job, which I didn't understand in the book and still didn't understand in the movie. I means she explained that it was only for one year, and then Miranda would help her write her own ticket to do whatever she wants in the future. But the boyfriend and friend were really too selfish to accept this. Things change. People change. Priorities change. Accept that. Especially in the movie they had the boyfriend pout because she missed his birthday. Big deal. You have a birthday every year. It's just a day.
There were other changes that improved it. I think that this book, the Notebook and Bridget Jones' Diary are all good adaptations.
I wouldn't mind seeing this over again.
5 bones.