So Jade is visiting while Ma & Jodie are golfing in Clare. Jodie dropped her off yesterday morning and says she has a fever and her leg is swollen, but she gave her aspirin. When we woke up she wasn't limping so I didn't know which leg it was. She was on the porch barking at stuff but she didn't eat or drink her water. When I got back from the pool it was all still there. I called Jodie and she said to fix toast and rice. She ate the toast but not the rice until right before bed but still didn't drink.
Around 4:30am she was making funny noises like she was thirsty or was going to throw up, so I let her outside but she still didn't drink. UGG
We got up at 8:30am because she was holding her back right leg up and it looked swollen. I called Jodie and she called the doctor. I took her at 11:30am. She had a fast heartbeat and a fever. I told the doctor and the vet student that I thought there was dried blood in her ears, but they said it was gunk and she has a yeast infection. They cleaned it out and took blood for tests. It cost $167 + the blood work cost. I left with 2 prescriptions, and 2 bottles of stuff for her ears. I had to give her a pill with a "snack" when we got home, another one tonight and I have to Q-Tip her ears. This vacation is supposed to be fun and frivolity not me being a dog doctor. Eeeck!!
I made toast which she ate, I forgot to add salt to the rice so it's kinda gross. She drank some water from the hose when we water the flowers at Jodie's but she's only had a little since then. I still have to clean her ears. The doctor thought her eyes didn't look too good either. Which I didn't think the right one looked right either. Kinda puffy.
Doesn't look like she'll be going on the walk with me tomorrow. Although I don't know if I really want to go either. It's hotter than hell outside. I put out 1 bag of mulch by the raised beds where I'm redoing the steps. My yard looks like hell. It needs to be mowed so bad. But I haven't heard from U. Bill about my mower and the neighbor hasn't mowed for me. He hasn't mowed next door either so I guess I don't know if he forgot me or not. He told me before Mondays are late for him so I doubt he'll do it tonight. The boys did Heddie's while I was at the vet's if I would have seen them I would have asked them.
Oh well.