How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
It's on TV tonight and Desperate Housewives is a rerun and Grey's is one I've seen so I'm watching this again. I love this movie.
Ok so he's not Joaquin (but in this picture he kinda looks like him) and Kate Hudson is not Renee Zellweger but I like both of them. He's hot even though he gets high and plays the bongos naked. I guess that COULD be good naked. Maybe? Better than buffing the floor or changing the gears on a bike. hee hee
This movie is almost as good as Overboard. The part where she names his penis is sooo funny. She tries "Princess Sophia" but he doesn't like it. I wonder why??? He wants Butch, Spike or Krull. Krull??? What the hell. So she goes with Krull the Warrior King. And then he tells his friends??? Is that for real?? Would a guy really do that I wonder. Somehow if I was a guy I don't think I would.
Now she's at his house with a photo album she made of their wedding, first child, vacations, etc. Now his mom called.
I love this movie. It cracks me up every time I watch it. Which is everytime it's on if nothing else is on.
He's kinda sexy in it too. Even though he might be on the other team. He just broke up with Penelope Cruz and you know she was a beard for the Gay Midget. I wonder if she's on the other team too? I can see that. But do lesbians get beards. I guess they do. Look at Will Smith. He's a beard.
Speaking of him. I watched Hitch yesterday. That was pretty good. Kevin James was good in it. Didn't do his stupid talking or physical stuff, so he wasn't annoying. Didn't see the big deal with Eva Mendes though. She was kinda pretty on Oprah whoring the movie but actually in it she wasn't all that.