Saturday, July 15, 2006
Today was the Planet Fitness 5k (used to be America's Physique) I like this run because of the door prizes and the ice cream but I didn't do well at all.
We lined up and I started to feel funny. Then there was this yucky cow manure smell. Gross. The 10k people went first and they went out and come around behind us and we all clapped for them, then they moved the starting line back and we were off. Of course I started out going strong so I always tell myself slow down, take it easy, breathe. Then there was an older man ahead of me shuffling along and a lady with pink pants on walking. I was really trying to go the first mile without stopping since I've done that in the last two races but it was muggy and I started feeling worse.
Once I start walking, it's very hard to get running again. I was able to though. Run, walk, run. Walk too much. Tried to run down hill but then I get too much momentum and think I'm going to fall. It was very hot out. I couldn't even run in, my feet were sooo hot and I didn't feel the worse I've ever felt but close. Ended up with 46:07. UGGGG
Aunt Linda went and she got 3rd place in her age group. Peggi got 2nd place in her age group. Amy did the 10k and got 2nd. My dad didn't go and Donna wasn't there.
Ma and Jodie go to Clare tomorrow so the baby comes over for 4 days. I want her to stay over tonight but Jodie won't let her. Boo!!
Next race 8/5/2006 Clark Lake I did pretty good in it last year even though I was hung over. So I should do good this year. Goal= under 40 minutes and run into the finish.