Goodbye 2006...Hello 2007
The Bad, The Good, and the Very, Very Ugly and THE MOST AWESOMEST!!!
The Bad
golf game didn't improve
didn't learn to do a back bend (I think I tried to start...)
didn't complete my degree (in my defense 1 class was cancelled by the college)
Did complete 1 more class (only 3 to go!)
Finished porch remodel!!
Enlarged shade garden in back by fence!
Maxed $4,000 in IRA!!!
Donated set amount of $$ to charity!!
Went to a Halloween party (ok I volunteered for the Humane Society but I did dress up!--so it counts)
Get to work on time (well now I HAVE to but still)
didn't go to YMCA once (that's terrible!!)
b went away
c dumped me as a friend (never got dumped by a g/f b4) *her loss but I hope I hear about Karma-bitch slapping her for it* hee.
didn't have not one single date (ok that's not too bad)
got fired as VOLUNTEER (long stupid story)
golf game didn't improve
didn't learn to do a back bend (I think I tried to start...)
didn't complete my degree (in my defense 1 class was cancelled by the college)
The Good
Did complete 1 more class (only 3 to go!)
Finished porch remodel!!
Enlarged shade garden in back by fence!
Maxed $4,000 in IRA!!!
Donated set amount of $$ to charity!!
Went to a Halloween party (ok I volunteered for the Humane Society but I did dress up!--so it counts)
Get to work on time (well now I HAVE to but still)
The Very, Very Ugly
didn't go to YMCA once (that's terrible!!)
b went away
c dumped me as a friend (never got dumped by a g/f b4) *her loss but I hope I hear about Karma-bitch slapping her for it* hee.
didn't have not one single date (ok that's not too bad)
got fired as VOLUNTEER (long stupid story)
Saw MADONNA in concert in Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!