Yippee!!! Cameron got voted gone last week. Now we are down to Scary, Helio (my 2 favorites), Marie and whiny crooked mouth Jenny.

Marie is really dropping the lbs. She looks really good again this week. Now if she would just SHUT UP and leave the stupid brothers home we'd be golden. Her dances were good but she's in last place. I still think her fan base will keep her over Jenny.

The Spice Girls were there to support Scary. All the girls gather round and talk except Posh. Posh just pouts and stands there skinny as hell. Later they do get her one on one and she has nice things to say. It's so weird when she finally does speak. Scary and Maks do the Paso Doble (still my favorite dance) and tear the place up.

Helio and Juliann. That tool Kevin Connelly has the hots for Juliann and bought her a ring that she wore last week so of course this week that's what I was looking for. They did get all 10's but I didn't see a ring.
Mel and Maks again. Scary is wearing this one piece cat suit thing with a cape. First she has a whip that she's twisting all over her body. Damn! I just keep thinking, "Bitch JUST had Eddie Murphy's baby like last week and look at that body". Not fair. Maks of course is hot.
Final Scores:
Scary & Helio 60
Stupid Jenny 58
Marie 56
Jenny needs to go.

Marie is really dropping the lbs. She looks really good again this week. Now if she would just SHUT UP and leave the stupid brothers home we'd be golden. Her dances were good but she's in last place. I still think her fan base will keep her over Jenny.

The Spice Girls were there to support Scary. All the girls gather round and talk except Posh. Posh just pouts and stands there skinny as hell. Later they do get her one on one and she has nice things to say. It's so weird when she finally does speak. Scary and Maks do the Paso Doble (still my favorite dance) and tear the place up.

Helio and Juliann. That tool Kevin Connelly has the hots for Juliann and bought her a ring that she wore last week so of course this week that's what I was looking for. They did get all 10's but I didn't see a ring.
Mel and Maks again. Scary is wearing this one piece cat suit thing with a cape. First she has a whip that she's twisting all over her body. Damn! I just keep thinking, "Bitch JUST had Eddie Murphy's baby like last week and look at that body". Not fair. Maks of course is hot.
Final Scores:
Scary & Helio 60
Stupid Jenny 58
Marie 56
Jenny needs to go.