Not that it's a surprise, but I hate stupid people. Which is most everyone.
I'm in a computer class of 11 people. It's pretty much assigned seating. Sometimes a person's computer won't work. I don't know if it's the actual computer or the operator, so that person will move to a different spot.
Today, I got to class 15 minutes early and some chick is in my seat!! Luckily all we were doing today was taking a test. I at first thought she was from a different class like on a different day, but then she asked a question and I realized she's in our class and sits at the end of my row. Well there's only 4 in a row so she skipped a computer and sat in mine. Why she didn't use the empty one behind her's?? I don't know. So rather than me displacing someone else, I just sat way in the back, which because it was a test that was fine. But if it was actually a class I wouldn't have been able to see the board, I'm practically blind.
Some people are stupid, rude or oblivious and need to be shot.
(walked 2.6 miles today at Cascades)