Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So there is this stupid new sitcom on Mondays with David Spade in it. I only watch it because I like "How I Met Your Mother" and "Two and 1/2 Men" and it's on between it.

But anyway, it also has David Puddy from Seinfeld and he had a bunch of T-Shirts that his wife wanted to throw out but he wanted to keep them. So about a week later he came home and she had a surprise for him. It was a T-Shirt Quilt!!! How funny. He was mad at first but then he loved it. He took pictures of it with his camera phone and was showing strangers in the bar. And reliving how he got each T-Shirt and what was going on in his life at that time.

The quilt was really nice too. I hope mine turns out as well. If I ever finish it.

Right now, I'm still ironing on interfacing to Jodie's shirts. I have to finish up a few for Brian's and make another column for mine.