Friday, January 04, 2008

Well, well, well. Maybe it's FINALLY happened. Shitney may just have hit rock bottom. Or at least pretty damn close to it.

After a no show for her court mandated deposition yesterday she showed up today 90 minutes late for what was to be a 2 hour meeting. Leaving only 30 minutes to answer a few questions.

Then evidently today was her day with the boys. Visitation until 7pm. But when Kevin's bodyguard came to her house (I thought she only uses hotels?) she refused to hand over the boys.

Lawyers for both sides showed up, police, ambulance, fire truck, helicopter, of course photographers and finally Kevin. Kevin was the one to talk the batshit crazy and "under the influence of something" stupid bitch into handing over Jayden.

Shitney was strapped to a gurney, yet she managed to sit up (crazy, high people have amazing strength--should have tazed her) and flip off her friends the paps.

She'll ungo evaluation for drugs, alcohol and hopefully mental too.

This from That Other Blog:

LAPD spokesman Jason Lee said,

Police were called to Britney Spears mansion this evening. She was refusing to hand the children over to their father as part of a court order. We were called and the situation is now what we call a Code 4 - which means everything is done. That means we verified the court document and the children are being returned to their father via representative.

However we do believe Britney Spears is under the influence and needs to be evaluated. She is being transported to hospital where she will be tested for both drink and drugs. At this stage we do not know what she may or may not have taken - that’s while she needs to be evaluated.

But obviously if the test does prove positive then we would be looking to move her to a police station and charge her. But again I cannot say if that will happen for sure until we get the evaluation test results.

Kevin went to the hospital to check on her (see I've always known he was a good guy) and her father is there. Reportedly they are trying to get her held under law for a 72 hour mental evaluation.

It's not post partum like her "fans" (hee hee) want to think. It's drugs, alcohol, stupidity and batshit crazy mixed with a sense of entitlement.

Personally, I'm hoping she commits suicide. Soon. Then Lindsey Lohan. Then all will be right in the world.