Ok, I'm thinking that I am OVER Nicole Kidman. What the fuck was she thinking while purchasing (and then wearing) this "outfit"?
Holy hell. I'm almost thinking she's brilliant because she MUST know her face is beyond repair so by wearing this craptastic shiny Wizard of Oz themed suit it takes attention away from her head.
The hair has been looking like straw (Scarecrow) for quite some time. You know she must drink herself drunk and pass out every night (Dorothy--Judy Garland), wouldn't you? Your ex is a crazy couch jumping gay midget who is brainwashing your children with his crazy cult. Your new husband is banging young chicks left and right. So what do you do? Overdose on Botax!!! Yippee!!! Now you have to dress up like the Tinman to fool people's eyes away from the mess above the shoulders.
This outfit plus watching "Bewitched" last night has ended my infatuation with her. She needs to give back all the awards and retire quietly into the night.