Holy hell, what pervert is dressing these women???
Etnya is ALWAYS half naked, Julianne has some crazy furry thing on that she had to have had a brazilian wax for, poor Jane had some left over toilet paper from Halloween and they keep squeezing Marie's size 24 body in size 16 costumes. No wonder she fainted and Jane got sick.

Maks just oozes sex. Damn he's the only reason I watch this show. The guy is hot. And his pants are super tight. I think I see a stiffy after the Paso Doble (my favorite dance).

Ok why is Samantha going on about how sad everyone is over stupid Sabrina being gone? And Maks and Scary have pawprint tats. Maks shows his and Samantha says showing your support and at first I thought, "Now what did Lil' Kim do?" But I guess it was supposed to be a cheetah print. So I guess they are saying it should have been Cameron gone and the viewers are wrong? I don't think so.
Evidently they all must have those stupid tats because here's Tony with one and I think I saw one on Entya's butt. How stupid. At the end only two couples will be left. What kind of competition is this?
Jennie and Derek need to go, she whines too much and he creeps the hell out of me.