It was also the Rose Run which even though I haven't been running, I was planning on being in. It looks like I would have done pretty well too.
But...We went to Woody's after golf on Wednesday and I got food poisoning or something. I was so sick Wednesday night. I stayed home from work on Thursday and didn't feel good the whole day. I called in on Friday then my mom called and she called the doctor for me. Realy all he did was tell me to drink Gatorade and gave me antiboitics. (my body HAS to be immune to them by now)
I had taken yesterday off for the race and felt a bit better when I woke up so I went to the pool but didn't use any sunscreen so I was hot with chills and my right thigh was on FIRE. I didn't sleep at all so I'm home to day too. Now I'm totally out of FMLA and there is still 6 months to go. I've had nurovirous 3 times in 8 months. I'm on discipline so I can't be tardy and my script scores are low so I can't get any a-time. Good god.
Mom, Jodie and I went golfing to Pine Hollow and I played sooo well. Starting this Wednesday I'm slowing WAY done. Going to take at least one practice swing for every shot and put the club away after each shot. I'm also going to get a new driver and get a new 3 wood. I'm going to keep the 7,9, 11 etc woods and probably the irons since I hardly use them. I'm putting left hand low and that is helping. I need to work on my aim too. It is getting a bit better. I'm going to try to go to the range at least once a week.
But I need to run too. Ugg.