Groundhog Day
Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow yesterday so we should have an early Spring. Yippee!!!
The last time Phil didn’t see his shadow was 1999.
According to German folklore, if a hibernating animal cast a shadow on the holiday of Candlemas (February 2) winter would last another six weeks. No shadow means Spring would come early.
In Howell, Michigan Woody the Woodchuck also predicted Spring is coming soon. If Woody comes out of her shelter and goes right back in, Winter will hang around. This year she came out for 30 seconds indicating an early Spring. She’s correctly predicted the season changing 6 out of the last 8 years.
Either way for right now, temperatures in Michigan are at or below zero at night and barely reaching double digits through the day.
Candlemas—February 2 is one of the great cross-quarter days which make up the wheel of the year. If falls midway between the winter solstice and the spring Equinox and in many traditions is considered the beginning of Spring.
Since Candlemas is a time of new beginnings, this is a good day to ritually celebrate all things new. Plan a ceremony to name a new baby, officially welcome a new person into a family or plight your troth to your beloved. (wtf?) Make a commitment to a goal. (Yeah that’s going to happen); this would be an especially powerful thing to do in a group. (or coven)