Monday, January 29, 2007

Oh my God how cute is he??

His name is
Evan and his mom has a blog I found through my new found favorite bloggers' blog, Crazy Aunt Purl.

(I can never remember how I first find blogs--I'm sure I search for something that interests me--maybe this one was knitting--cause I'm STILL trying to learn to knit. Crochet was somewhat easy but knitting is HARD)

His mom sells
yarn & knitting stuff online after she quit her corporate job. How cool is that??

Anyhow, Evan is three months and he has a brain tumor and I'm totally in love with him. His pictures are so cute. Thankfully his tumor isn't life-threatening although it's very rare. 1 in a million. And when they took him to the hospital the doctor on call was a specialist on it. AND he's only on call 4 times A YEAR. Can you imagine?? Only 4 Times in 365 days and one of them is when they were there?

Now who would even think that would be possible??

Can you imagine being one in a million of anything?? Brain tumor, winning the lottery, getting struck by lightening, a hole-in-one?? You can be one in a million lucky or unlucky. It's mind boggling.

If you had no way of knowing the out come (good or bad) would you want to be one in a million??
Would you do it??

Roll the dice??

I would.

Even if...