My grandmother must be crying her eyes out. She loves the Tigers. She is the BIGGEST fanatic. EVER. I can remember watching them when they were winning back in '84 but she's been a fan forever! If they are on TV, she watches, has to be there for the whole thing. If they aren't on she listens to the entire game on the radio. We used to sit outback on the patio with the radio in her bedroom window and listen.
The players are SO happy. They came back out of the clubhouse with bottles of champagne and are spraying the fans and dancing and slapping fans hands. The coach is on ESPN right now getting interviewed and is crying.
I bet a ton of sports writers are eating crow right now, they were all saying the Tigers would get swept in the first 3 games. Well they shut out Yankees yesterday. So then on the radio today they were saying that they would lose today and go back to New York. Guess not?!!!
Next game: Tuesday vs. Oakland A's
Keep On - The Brady Bunch
My brothers, sister and I loved this when we were little.
Heck...still do!!