Well, well, well. It seems that Lance Armstrong has spermies after all.
Despite having gone through chemotherapy after being diagnosed with testicular in 1996, he has managed to impregnate current girlfriend,
Anna Hansen. (I know, who??)
Another bastard celebrity baby!
His three children with ex-wife Kristen Richard were
conceived using his frozen sperm. (popsicle babies!!)
Seriously, even thinking he's shotting blanks, would you have
sex without condom with this man-whore?
He's screwed an Olsen (who cares which one), tramp Kate Hudson, Tory Burch, Sheryl Crow, Jake Gyllenhaal and Matthew McCongaughey.
He usually dates tall, thin, blond women and even though she's wearing a helmet and on a bike, Anna looks to be against type.