There isn't a pre-nup. Yes, there is.
Guy left her, no she lowered the boom.
Guy will get 1/2 of her almost $600 million, but wait--he doesn't want her money.
One thing IS certain, Madonna is holding a grudge.
She played in Boston last night and opened the show with "I'm Not Sorry," and said, "That's right, I'm not sorry".
Before singing "Miles Away," she said, "This song is for the emotionally retarded. You may know a few people like that. God knows I do." The song is about Guy as she told Elle magazine this year.
Also, The Daily Mail is now reporting that during Madonna's October 6 show in New York — with 29 dates left in the tour — Madonna made the comment "In exactly 29 moves, the queen will dump the king," which the paper speculated showed a plan, evidently since abandoned, on the singer's part to announce her divorce after the tour.
Madonna has hired Prince Charles' divorce attorney and Guy has Princess Diana's. Well, we know Diana got a lot more than what was first offered to her.
More to come, I'm sure of it.
I'm sad about this divorce, I seriously thought that they had true love. Pfft. What do I know?