Friday, May 18, 2007

I ended up working until 3:30pm and it took longer to get home than normal. The weather was great, no rain or wind, not too hot. Just right.

Aunt Linda ended up not going. I went over to Mom's house expecting her to be ready and she's laying on the couch watching TV! She took me and watched the start and me end but she didn't walk. She said I didn't call her. Hmm. I guess but I did say that I was going to be in the race. I'm in it every year. Oh well.

So I haven't ran since last August. Not at all. Jade and I go to the park and walk around maybe once, twice if we're lucky. We might jog over the bridge (so the troll who lives under there doesn't get us) but that's about it.

For not practicing I did really well. I was able to run the first mile without stopping!! (That's a big deal for me) Not a fast run but not a walk either. I had the most horrendous side ache but I kept going. (Usually I'm a wimpy baby and stop)

Course after the first mile, I started walking and then wasn't able to run any more. Need to work on that. But this is just the first race of the season and now I should be motivated enough to train. (I hope)

The t-shirts this year are not cute like they usually are. They're black and fug, but I can add it to my quilt. The normal food sponsor wasn't there this year, it was Subway. No vegetarian so I gave it to Mom.

There were a ton! of people. The little kids were cute. No criers this year. And there was Boy's Quest for the 1st time too.

I should have been a walker, in my age group there was just one woman. I could have won a trophy for 2nd place!

I finished with a time of 48:02:03. Not too bad for 8 months of nothing. And should be fairly easy to improve.

36 minutes has been my goal for years. I wonder if I'll ever reach it?