Yippee!!! Leeza's gone. Ugg. I just can't stand her. I don't know why she annoys me so much. When she talks on her own, she's actually intelligent and uplifting. For instance, ""I believe just showing up for your life anytime makes you a winner," Gibbons said, adding that her fellow competitors have "nerves of steel and hearts of gold." Doesn't that just make you want to cry. (ok, I haven't taken my anti-depressants but still it's nice. Even with that I JUST CAN'T STAND HER.
So I feel bad for her partner, but they were up against Cliff (from Cheers) and she had to go. Bye-bye. I'm glad because I was tired Monday night so I didn't watch it and thought I could vote today but I waited too long.
Unfortunately, that damn Joey is the judge's favorite. He's my next choice to be gone.