Oscar Fashion Round-Up
The Fugly
Ivana Baquero & Mari Belverdu--I have no idea who these two are but they get my worst most fugliest of the night. WTF?? The one on the left looks about 12 with gross eyebrows and what looks like an ice-skaters outfit on, including the skates.

The one on the right has some kind of 1920's flapper dress in Purple??

Cameron Diaz--I'm not sure if I hate this dress as much as I do, because I just hate her or if it's just the dress. But I hate her messy dress, the Indian jewelry earrings and the wrinkly wedding dress. Maybe she bought this hoping Justin Timberlake would ask her to marry him and when he broke up with her instead, she decided she might as well get one wearing out of it.

Eva Green--I hate the flesh color, the mummy wrapping around the chest, her hair with the huge part and her bad Mortica Adams make-up.

Gwynth Paltrow--Get this bitch some scissors. Her hair is way too long. I'm not liking the color of this dress.

Jessica Biel--I like the color of this dress, it's unexpected. But the dress itself is unremarkable. I don't like her hair. And why is she walking like there is something shoved hard up her bum??

JHo--She NEVER has good hair on the red carpet. And why always with the pregnant woman dresses? You know she's sterile. Not liking this at all. And don't like her.

Keisha Whitaker--Love this dress from the front. Nice hair, make-up, love the hair. Then I saw the back. Why is the plant from Little Shop of Horrors climbing on her?

Rashida Jones--Poor thing. She's so pretty and I love her on my favorite show, "The Office". Did her dad, Quincy Jones, ask her to come with him at the last minute? And she was lounging around in this fugly thing? WTF??? There. Are. No. Words.
Now on to better things...
The Good

Reese Witherspoon--Love this dark blue dress and it gets lighter at the bottom. It's basically the same dress she wore to the Golden Globes and an award show before that just long. But I still like it. She always looks sad, you know she cries herself to sleep.

Rachel Weisz--kinda looks like her chest is going to pull her top down, but I like the color.

Cate Blanchett--I'm really liking this steel colored dress. Of course, only Cate can pull it off, her hair and make-up is perfect.

Abigail Breslin--She is so cute. Another reason I like her is that her parents dress her in age appropriate clothes, unlike Dakota Fanning who dresses like a trampy 15 year old. This dress reminds me of Barbie.