So I looked up where the company I work for falls in the ranking of Fortune 500 companies. #39 I can't believe it's that high. The top 5 are: Exxon Mobile, Wal-Mart Stores, GM, Chevron and Ford. There are some impressive names right around our rating. I've said it before, I'll keep saying it, "I refuse to believe that these other companies are being run the way ours is.''
When I worked in Lansing I thought it was bad that we had a paunchy, overweight, divorced with two children, gay man who was dating an underling, as our "Sales Manager" dress up as a sales fairy and flit around the office sprinkling sales dust.
But then I transferred to Kalamazoo and they passed out camouflage buffs, turned a conference room into War Room headquarters with giant pieces of paper taped to the walls, the managers all had walkie-talkies and they called the War Room whenever anyone made a sale and the War Room marked it on the papers.
But now Southfield has taken the cake. These idiots went to a dollar store and bought miniature fake dollar bills. When we get monitored and say our script correctly, if we are scored 100% we get 2 fake dollars. If we get 80% (or miss one out of five) we get 1 fake dollar.
Then sometime during the week they open the "store". The store actually being any empty cubicle where they put out the other junk from the dollar store and Costco. Then we can take our dollars and shop.
What kind of junk? Well yesterday there were 6 oz bottles of grape Gatorade, tiny packages of chips, cookies, candy. Some notebooks, pens, highlighters. Microwave popcorn.
Now I REFUSE to believe that Bill Gates motivates his people this way. Or Dow Chemical or UPS or any other company. This is one of the stupidest things I have come across yet.