Rose Run...
Today went pretty well, especially considering I haven't ran since the Advance Packaging 5K. The first mile I ran without stopping!!! That's a first. And one of my goals for this year. Almost achieved on of my other goals which is not to be dead last. There was a boy, Michael who's mom or sister was running with him, and they passed me early but then stayed just in front of me. Just after the 2 mile mark I passed them and that was downhill so I stayed ahead of them but on Emmons road they passed me. I think I get intimidated by people and weird about passing so I kinda let them beat me or I would have been 3 from the end. Then I would have to learn to do a full back bend and all 3 of my goals this year would be accomplished.
At the 2 mile mark, my time was 28 minutes. I ended up with 44 minutes 1 second. Unofficial. I'll see what's in the paper tomorrow. Advanced Packaging was 47 minutes 33 seconds so without practicing I improved and this course was hilly. The next race is Concord. I put in for a vacation day so hopefully I get it off.