I realized I haven't even mentioned my Vegas trip. Kevin and I went on May 26 through June 1. Seems like every day I think of something I forgot to do. Didn't go to the mall, didn't go to Ceasar's Forum Shops, didn't go to the Venitian shops, didn't gamble much. We did go to a different outlet mall and we went to the buffet at our hotel a bunch. We stayed at Excalibur. On the 28th we had tickets to Madonna's Confessions concert at MGM. That was a great concert. Our seats were good. She looked tiny but they had the jumbotrons.
Kevin went hiking. I went to the pool. Went to M&M store but didn't buy anything. Went to the Coke store and tried 16 different flavors from around the world. Some were pretty gross. The first day we were there all I did was sleep. Seems like a waste but I was so stressed out after Brian getting sentenced and working and the early flight. Saturday at the pool was kinda chilly, actually I was ok until I sent Kevin to get me a drink and he came back with a HUGE plastic football of a daiquiri which was all ice and with the high winds then I was freezing and had to cover up and huddle with one hand with my drink and the other with my magazine. The next day was a lot warmer but then I got wind burned and sunburned so then I didn't lay out the day after that. I had put some sunscreen on but then left the bottle in the room so couldn't put more on.
Now I'm ready to go right back and do all the things I forgot to do. Except that since I haven't been reimbursed it cost me a bit and I still need to put the other $3,000 in my IRA for this year and start a mutual fund as a car payment since mine is starting to hard start and make funny noises. It has like 180,000 miles and is 8 years old.