Concord Classic
Today was the Concord Classic. I was trying to better my Rose Run time of 40 minutes, which I should have been able to do since this race is flat and Rose Run isn't. I remembered to take my stopwatch. Unfortunately, it is either broken or needs new batteries. UGG.
I ran the first mile (AGAIN!!) without stopping. I think there was at least one lady behind me. The walkers started only two minutes after us so Jeff Heath passed me right away. I kept most of the last runners in sight for a long time but then lost them. In the last two miles Peggi and two friends of hers were behind me, while I was walking. I had a weird pain in my lower left side and high on my right side, not side stitches just weird pains. They passed me, then I passed them and stayed ahead for awhile then they booked. They had 3 water stops and at the 3rd one which was also the 2nd I asked if the girl had the times but she didn't, at the last time before that it was 25 minutes so I was trying to hurry to get to 36 or under 40.
I ran in but the clock said 40 didn't see the seconds. Mom had to go to Canada for the wedding shower so we didn't wait around for results. Will have to read the paper tomorrow.
Even if I didn't beat 40, I didn't do a lot worse, and still haven't practiced. And I ran the 1st mile again without stopping and I feel like I walked less and I passed people without feeling funny about it.
Went to Nixon, watched a movie, took a nap, tried to work in the back by the fence but it was VERY hot.